From iwatchstuff, If you live in Minnesota, and own an elaborate homemade Tron costume you've been planning to festively wear to a showing of the new film, take note: you may be turned away. One such Minnesota resident, internet phenomenon Tron Guy (né Jay Maynard), thankfully had the foresight to call ahead to his local theater before showing up to Tron: Legacy in his signature spandex outfit, and the management was reportedly "adamant" he would not be admitted in the suit. If not then, then when IS it appropriate to wear an elaborate homemade Tron costume, huh, theater management?
According to the TMZ story, Tron Guy speculates it may be that the costume was "too distracting," which probably does have something to do with it. After all, once you let one guy in wearing a lighted suit that reveals the rough form of his genitals, where do you draw the line?