james brandon at digital photography school had an overview of using the fibonacci ratio in photography a couple of days ago. though i'm aware of the golden mean, i can't say i've been paying too much attention to crop my images with it in mind, although i have been aiming for the rule of thirds.
old wold, one of the commentators, offered a link to a nifty little online tool to crop with the curve and i used it to check out some of my images -- it looks like i've been naturally gravitating towards the spiral without really being aware of it (i've superimposed the spiral onto the above grid of images). btw, the image in the center of the grid, a BW of me, was shot by mr.G.
a more heavy-duty crop tool for photoshop can be found here.
i think i'm going to start paying more attention to the golden spiral, lines and triangles.
©2010 helen sotiriadis