LOTD: Star Wars vs Renaissance & Bday recap
I have been sitting on this link for some time.
1. I love Star Wars
2. I love art
3. I am a huge fan of juxtapositions
4. I love food. (it has no bearing on the top three but always worth a mention)
Enjoy the fusion of Star Wars and Renaissance art!
Link Of The Day: http://bit.ly/swren
Here are a few from the collection, please visit the link!

Thank you again to everyone for the very kind and (mostly) thoughtful birthday wishes on the 28th! I was able to bring the celebration to its peak with excellent friends and have some fantastic memories (and of course fine food)!
Table of Events which transpired:
Natural History Museum (with Butterfly exhibit)
Watts Tower (my second time there, google this!)
Moun Of Tunis Restaurant (25 of us in a private room and a strange belly dancer)
Kung Pao Kitty (rotation of some folks, larger crew, drinks & dance!)
Rooftop afterparty (this went late/"early", however I had Wednesday off)
If you have photos or video, apart from me attempting to bellydance, please send!
I have been hired to spin 80s, 90s and sexy music tonight at Medusa Lounge for Liquid City's SexyChic art & music event. This is NOT my event, but I do have a guest list.

Have a fantastic day!
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1. I love Star Wars
2. I love art
3. I am a huge fan of juxtapositions
4. I love food. (it has no bearing on the top three but always worth a mention)
Enjoy the fusion of Star Wars and Renaissance art!
Link Of The Day: http://bit.ly/swren
Here are a few from the collection, please visit the link!
Thank you again to everyone for the very kind and (mostly) thoughtful birthday wishes on the 28th! I was able to bring the celebration to its peak with excellent friends and have some fantastic memories (and of course fine food)!
Table of Events which transpired:
Natural History Museum (with Butterfly exhibit)
Watts Tower (my second time there, google this!)
Moun Of Tunis Restaurant (25 of us in a private room and a strange belly dancer)
Kung Pao Kitty (rotation of some folks, larger crew, drinks & dance!)
Rooftop afterparty (this went late/"early", however I had Wednesday off)
If you have photos or video, apart from me attempting to bellydance, please send!
I have been hired to spin 80s, 90s and sexy music tonight at Medusa Lounge for Liquid City's SexyChic art & music event. This is NOT my event, but I do have a guest list.
Have a fantastic day!
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color blinds
like it? click it!
i think this is a little juvenile, but i've been spending too much time indoors, in the office... just trying to brighten up my day.
it's fun sometimes to play with the white balance settings on DPP.
Red Light District tune just uploaded. The instruments are NOT samples, just ask my neighbors about these trum... ♫ http://blip.fm/~au7s9
tool tips
like it? click it, then...!
i've been double-tagged on flickr... by apenrade and westie4us.
so... here are 10 riveting things about me:
1. i played lacrosse in high school -- very badly.
2. i wear almost exclusively black.
3. my favorite city is san francisco.
4. some kinds of amorphous jazz can make me physically ill.
5. do not push my nose down. i will not rest until i push it back up.
6. i was once the family cow, nursing my baby for almost three years.
7. i'm left-handed, -footed, -eyed and -eared.
8. i don't have a superstitious bone in my body.
9. i'm a pessimist.
10. i dream in science-fiction.
so, to tag, my ten
T Does Wool
Jenny [海外遠征中]
Ashu Mittal
Re(Becca) Tabor Armstrong
atheist blogroll photography contest
mojoey has a knack for gathering the power of atheist bloggers on the internet, as seen by his almsot 1000-member-at-the-moment atheist blogroll. as an added treat, he organizes a photography contest for members of the blogroll.... plus members of atheist nexus.
categories for the images are:
travel and people
altered images
the natural world
the deadline is september 15th -- rules and details, at deep thoughts!
categories for the images are:
travel and people
altered images
the natural world
the deadline is september 15th -- rules and details, at deep thoughts!
today = great! - soon to dindin. then @ 11pm we shall unite @ Kung Pao Kitty (Wilcox & Hollywood) FREE! Thank ... ♫ http://blip.fm/~as3ab
Birthday Adventures beginning this evening...
I have been quite busy with work, but tomorrow is my birthday and I intend on resuming the videos, links and such of the day.
Below includes some of the birthday celebration plans.
If you feel you should know about my bday din din and did not receive an email from me for whatever reason, contact me directly.
27th - Monday - Alternative Karaoke @ Ground Control 8:30-9pm-ish
Sing to Salt N Peppa, Queen, Sisters Of Mercy, Billy Idol, Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb, The Doors, Nick Cave, Ministry, Snoop Dogg, Radiohead, The Cure, Tori Amos, NIN or even the theme song for Different Strokes. Food is served all night and there is a secure and FREE parking lot on the premises.
4067 W. Pico Blvd. 90018
http://gc.darxxide.com $4
Depending on how I feel tomorrow, plans could include a trip to the aquarium, seeing UP in 3D (finally) or another museum, renting a boat... or nothing and relaxing!
28th - Tuesday (Actual Birthday post dinner) - Kung Pao Kitty 10:30ish-11pm
Possibly earlier, but certainly after dinner, we can move over here. Darren Revell, my partner of RevellShok's First Fridays @ Medusa Lounge, will be spinning music. It is bar/ restaurant, not a dance club, BUT, it will not stop anyone from shakin' a rump!
6445 Hollywood (Hollywood & Wilcox)
30th - Thursday - Liquid City's 80s & 90s Art & Music party @ Medusa Lounge 9pm
25 Artists and more, I was asked to be the DJ for this event and it should be fun.
3211 Beverly Blvd.
Poosibly Sunday or sometime soon - Lazer Pink Floyd at Laserium 7:30pm
This will be fun! Did you ever see a lazer show in a planetarium? This will be similar.
Pink Floyd + Lazers = a good time! Popcorn might equal a slightly better time too!
6321 Hollywood Blvd.
https://www.goldstar.com/shows/255260 $6 or FREE by using Goldstar for tickets.
7th - Friday - RevellShok's First Fridays @ Medusa Lounge 9pm
Send an email and I will have you on the guest list all night.
8th or 9th - Cirque Berzerk http://cirqueberzerk.com
16th & 17th - Depeche Mode @ The Hollywood Bowl (I have a lead on tickets for the 17th)
Drop me a line for any and all questions, suggestions, comments and or discussion items.
optic boom
science is in the details
sam harris discusses the recent nomination of francis collins to be the next director of the national institutes of health in the united states.
'as someone who believes that our understanding of human nature can be derived from neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science and behavioral economics, among others, i am troubled by dr. collins’s line of thinking. i also believe it would seriously undercut fields like neuroscience and our growing understanding of the human mind. if we must look to religion to explain our moral sense, what should we make of the deficits of moral reasoning associated with conditions like frontal lobe syndrome and psychopathy? are these disorders best addressed by theology?
dr. collins has written that “science offers no answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” and that “the claims of atheistic materialism must be steadfastly resisted.”
one can only hope that these convictions will not affect his judgment at the institutes of health. after all, understanding human well-being at the level of the brain might very well offer some “answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” — questions like, why do we suffer? or, indeed, is it possible to love one’s neighbor as oneself? and wouldn’t any effort to explain human nature without reference to a soul, and to explain morality without reference to god, necessarily constitute “atheistic materialism”?
francis collins is an accomplished scientist and a man who is sincere in his beliefs. and that is precisely what makes me so uncomfortable about his nomination. must we really entrust the future of biomedical research in the united states to a man who sincerely believes that a scientific understanding of human nature is impossible?'
the entire piece is here.
'as someone who believes that our understanding of human nature can be derived from neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science and behavioral economics, among others, i am troubled by dr. collins’s line of thinking. i also believe it would seriously undercut fields like neuroscience and our growing understanding of the human mind. if we must look to religion to explain our moral sense, what should we make of the deficits of moral reasoning associated with conditions like frontal lobe syndrome and psychopathy? are these disorders best addressed by theology?
dr. collins has written that “science offers no answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” and that “the claims of atheistic materialism must be steadfastly resisted.”
one can only hope that these convictions will not affect his judgment at the institutes of health. after all, understanding human well-being at the level of the brain might very well offer some “answers to the most pressing questions of human existence” — questions like, why do we suffer? or, indeed, is it possible to love one’s neighbor as oneself? and wouldn’t any effort to explain human nature without reference to a soul, and to explain morality without reference to god, necessarily constitute “atheistic materialism”?
francis collins is an accomplished scientist and a man who is sincere in his beliefs. and that is precisely what makes me so uncomfortable about his nomination. must we really entrust the future of biomedical research in the united states to a man who sincerely believes that a scientific understanding of human nature is impossible?'
the entire piece is here.
females right-pawed, males left-pawed
'female domestic cats tend to preferentially use their right front paw while male cats more often rely upon their left front paw, according to a new study that suggests the sex of a cat determines how its brain will be wired.
the findings also add to a growing body of evidence that male animals tend to be left-handed, or in this case left-pawed, more often than females. while 90 percent of all humans are right-handed, of the remaining southpaws, more tend to be men.
the differences are even clearer among cats.'
read the rest on discovery news.
the findings also add to a growing body of evidence that male animals tend to be left-handed, or in this case left-pawed, more often than females. while 90 percent of all humans are right-handed, of the remaining southpaws, more tend to be men.
the differences are even clearer among cats.'
read the rest on discovery news.
orthodox leaders on swine flu
via teachers dude's BBQ:
in an article in kathimerini.gr, regarding communion procedures which use a common silver spoon for everyone (loosely translated):
'there is also a great deal of confusion about holy protection. when asked if the virus can spread during holy communion, archbishop ieronimos replied that 'these are holy issues and theology and are not to be discussed', but eparch anthimos says that the utensils are made of silver, which kills germs.'
in an article in kathimerini.gr, regarding communion procedures which use a common silver spoon for everyone (loosely translated):
'there is also a great deal of confusion about holy protection. when asked if the virus can spread during holy communion, archbishop ieronimos replied that 'these are holy issues and theology and are not to be discussed', but eparch anthimos says that the utensils are made of silver, which kills germs.'
like it? click it!
amethystos comes from the greek words a- (not) and methystos (drunk).
wikipedia says:
'amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness, which is why wine goblets were often carved from it. in greek mythology, dionysus, the god of intoxication, was pursuing a maiden named amethystos, who refused his affections. amethystos prayed to the gods to remain chaste, which the goddess artemis granted and transformed her into a white stone. humbled by amethystos's desire to remain chaste, dionysus poured wine over the stone as an offering, dyeing the crystals purple.'
it's easily one of my favorite stones. when i see amethystos, as pronounced in greek, i always imagine it to be a white crystal doused in wine.
i'm wearing this bracelet these days -- it was a gift from last christmas. the offspring got one too.
collision on jupiter
amateur astronomer anthony wesley found a new scar on jupiter:

click pic to source on apod (via the bad astronomer)

click pic to source on apod (via the bad astronomer)
what are extraterrestrials watching?
this is a great image... and so similar an idea to the opening sequence of the movie, contact:

click pic to view properly at its source at abstruse goose
click pic to view properly at its source at abstruse goose
enceladus play-by-play
a great movie of the scans of enceladus by brent buffington on the cassini navigation team.
saturnian moon shows evidence of ammonia
via JPL and reposted in full:

'data collected during two close flybys of saturn's moon enceladus by NASA's cassini spacecraft add more fuel to the fire about the saturnian ice world containing sub-surface liquid water. the data collected by cassini's ion and neutral mass spectrometer during enceladus flybys in july and oct. 2008, were released in the july 23 issue of the journal nature.
"when cassini flew through the plume erupting from enceladus on october 8 of last year, our spectrometer was able to sniff out many complex chemicals, including organic ones, in the vapor and icy particles," said hunter waite, the cassini ion and neutral mass spectrometer lead scientist from the southwest research institute in san antonio, texas. "one of the chemicals definitively identified was ammonia."
on earth, the presence of ammonia means the potential for sparkling clean floors and counter tops. in space, the presence of ammonia provides strong evidence for the existence of at least some liquid water.
how could ammonia equate to liquid water inside an ice-covered moon in one of the chillier neighborhoods of our solar system? as many a homeowner interested in keeping their abodes spick and span know, ammonia promptly dissolves in water. but what many people do not realize is that ammonia acts as antifreeze, keeping water liquid at lower temperatures than would otherwise be possible. with the presence of ammonia, water can exist in a liquid state to temperatures as low as 176 degrees kelvin (-143 degrees fahrenheit).
"given that temperatures in excess of 180 kelvin (-136 degrees fahrenheit) have been measured near the fractures on enceladus where the jets emanate, we think we have an excellent argument for a liquid water interior," said waite.
cassini discovered water vapor and particles spewing from enceladus in 2005. since then, scientists have been trying to determine if the plume originates from a liquid source inside the moon or is due to other causes.
"ammonia is sort of a holy grail for icy volcanism," said william mckinnon, a scientist from washington university in saint louis, missouri. "this is the first time we've found it for sure on an icy satellite of a giant planet. it is probably everywhere in the saturn system."
just how much water is contained within enceladus' icy interior is still up for debate. so far, cassini has made five flybys of enceladus, one of the chief targets for cassini's extended mission. two close flybys are scheduled for november of this year, and two more close flybys are scheduled for april and may or 2010. data collected during these future flybys may help settle the debate.
"where liquid water and organics exist, is there life?" asked jonathan lunine a cassini scientist from the university of arizona, tucson. "such is the case for earth; what was found on enceladus bolsters this moon's promise for containing potential habitable environments."
the cassini-huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the european space agency and the italian space agency. the cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at jpl. jpl manages the mission for the science mission directorate at NASA headquarters in washington.'
also here and here

'data collected during two close flybys of saturn's moon enceladus by NASA's cassini spacecraft add more fuel to the fire about the saturnian ice world containing sub-surface liquid water. the data collected by cassini's ion and neutral mass spectrometer during enceladus flybys in july and oct. 2008, were released in the july 23 issue of the journal nature.
"when cassini flew through the plume erupting from enceladus on october 8 of last year, our spectrometer was able to sniff out many complex chemicals, including organic ones, in the vapor and icy particles," said hunter waite, the cassini ion and neutral mass spectrometer lead scientist from the southwest research institute in san antonio, texas. "one of the chemicals definitively identified was ammonia."
on earth, the presence of ammonia means the potential for sparkling clean floors and counter tops. in space, the presence of ammonia provides strong evidence for the existence of at least some liquid water.
how could ammonia equate to liquid water inside an ice-covered moon in one of the chillier neighborhoods of our solar system? as many a homeowner interested in keeping their abodes spick and span know, ammonia promptly dissolves in water. but what many people do not realize is that ammonia acts as antifreeze, keeping water liquid at lower temperatures than would otherwise be possible. with the presence of ammonia, water can exist in a liquid state to temperatures as low as 176 degrees kelvin (-143 degrees fahrenheit).
"given that temperatures in excess of 180 kelvin (-136 degrees fahrenheit) have been measured near the fractures on enceladus where the jets emanate, we think we have an excellent argument for a liquid water interior," said waite.
cassini discovered water vapor and particles spewing from enceladus in 2005. since then, scientists have been trying to determine if the plume originates from a liquid source inside the moon or is due to other causes.
"ammonia is sort of a holy grail for icy volcanism," said william mckinnon, a scientist from washington university in saint louis, missouri. "this is the first time we've found it for sure on an icy satellite of a giant planet. it is probably everywhere in the saturn system."
just how much water is contained within enceladus' icy interior is still up for debate. so far, cassini has made five flybys of enceladus, one of the chief targets for cassini's extended mission. two close flybys are scheduled for november of this year, and two more close flybys are scheduled for april and may or 2010. data collected during these future flybys may help settle the debate.
"where liquid water and organics exist, is there life?" asked jonathan lunine a cassini scientist from the university of arizona, tucson. "such is the case for earth; what was found on enceladus bolsters this moon's promise for containing potential habitable environments."
the cassini-huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the european space agency and the italian space agency. the cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at jpl. jpl manages the mission for the science mission directorate at NASA headquarters in washington.'
also here and here
White Slave Trade @ Medudsa Lounge
I am hoping to attend this tonight after work. However 9pm is distant and sun burn = ouchies.
Free party at Medusa Lounge. Good music.... the food is fantastic!
Douglas McCarthy (Nitzer Ebb)
Dirtie Blonde

You can listen to a snippet of Douglas on a song Tech Itch & I wrote last year here: http://myspace.com/techitchshok
I am working until 9pm this evening, so you may see more posts!
Birthday plans to be revealed soon.
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Free party at Medusa Lounge. Good music.... the food is fantastic!
Douglas McCarthy (Nitzer Ebb)
Dirtie Blonde
You can listen to a snippet of Douglas on a song Tech Itch & I wrote last year here: http://myspace.com/techitchshok
I am working until 9pm this evening, so you may see more posts!
Birthday plans to be revealed soon.
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dawkins, tyson, druyan, stenger, grothe
video description:
'this panel discussion took place at a center for inquiry - new york city conference titled "secular society and its enemies." the panel discusses a wide variety of topics, including, science, science education, the nature of science, the correct political methodology and much more.
richard dawkins, neil degrasse tyson, ann druyan and victor stenger. moderated by d.j. grothe.
recorded by bluewater media llc.'
i'm really looking forward to seeing this -- it's going to be a treat.
'this panel discussion took place at a center for inquiry - new york city conference titled "secular society and its enemies." the panel discusses a wide variety of topics, including, science, science education, the nature of science, the correct political methodology and much more.
richard dawkins, neil degrasse tyson, ann druyan and victor stenger. moderated by d.j. grothe.
recorded by bluewater media llc.'
i'm really looking forward to seeing this -- it's going to be a treat.
LOTD: Longest Solar Eclipse until 2132 NOW!
The longest solar eclipse until 2132 will be webcast in just a couple hours: more info

Not until June 2132 should this occur again...

Current Music: Chocadilly Theme music from Candy Hole
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Not until June 2132 should this occur again...
Current Music: Chocadilly Theme music from Candy Hole
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sunset at vouliagmeni
like it? give it a click, then!
near the end of a too-hot weekend, we went to vouliagmeni for dinner. mr.g had a late-evening swim and the offspring re-read a harry potter. me, i shot a few.
more spheres!
i've placed this image on the map at the original flickr page.
my galileoscope
i was 7 when three human beings, the crew of apollo 11, went to the moon. i remember being riveted to my television set... and my imagination soared.

click pic to source
the imagery of the time says more than i could ever write. we saw what determination, cooperation, ingenuity and the highest ethics can achieve. we aimed the lenses back to ourselves and saw our home from afar. our self-perception was forever changed.
now that i think about it, i can hardly believe the depth of the sense of wonder, enthusiasm and pride in our fellow humans that a child of 7 can have. little humans are sponges and they soak up the best and worst of what they see.

click pic to source
the imagery of the time says more than i could ever write. we saw what determination, cooperation, ingenuity and the highest ethics can achieve. we aimed the lenses back to ourselves and saw our home from afar. our self-perception was forever changed.
now that i think about it, i can hardly believe the depth of the sense of wonder, enthusiasm and pride in our fellow humans that a child of 7 can have. little humans are sponges and they soak up the best and worst of what they see.
like'em? click on them, then!
my copy of the galileoscope arrived a few days ago. its short description from the official website reads:
'the galileoscope™ is a high-quality, low-cost telescope kit developed for the international year of astronomy 2009 by a team of leading astronomers, optical engineers, and science educators. no matter where you live, with this easy-to-assemble, 50-mm (2-inch) diameter, 25- to 50-power achromatic refractor, you can see the celestial wonders that galileo galilei first glimpsed 400 years ago and that still delight stargazers today. these include lunar craters and mountains, four moons circling jupiter, the phases of venus, saturn's rings, and countless stars invisible to the unaided eye.'

i haven't decided yet if it's safe enough to attach a dSLR to get a shot through it, but the morning was still blue and i got a few shots of the galileoscope itself as the sun began to rise over athens.
my copy of the galileoscope arrived a few days ago. its short description from the official website reads:
'the galileoscope™ is a high-quality, low-cost telescope kit developed for the international year of astronomy 2009 by a team of leading astronomers, optical engineers, and science educators. no matter where you live, with this easy-to-assemble, 50-mm (2-inch) diameter, 25- to 50-power achromatic refractor, you can see the celestial wonders that galileo galilei first glimpsed 400 years ago and that still delight stargazers today. these include lunar craters and mountains, four moons circling jupiter, the phases of venus, saturn's rings, and countless stars invisible to the unaided eye.'
this telescope is great for children -- these days, with such great computer-aided imagery everywhere, it's important for them to look deep into the sky, to directly see saturn, jupiter and the moon. i think it will help them understand that these are real places, places we've visited, physically or remotely, places we can go to again and again.
since i was thinking about the moon landings, i decided to start with something easy. yesterday morning i woke up slightly early and went up to the roof to see the moonrise. i was impressed with the clarity -- don't forget it's a $15 'scope.
i haven't decided yet if it's safe enough to attach a dSLR to get a shot through it, but the morning was still blue and i got a few shots of the galileoscope itself as the sun began to rise over athens.
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