a real-life star trek

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i've posted often about carolyn porco -- but this is a person who has done so much that i could have one blog dedicated to her and it still wouldn't be enough.

lucky for us the NYT has a synopsis of this scientist at work, giving us a brief glimpse into the life of a person that's living, in realtime, a thrilling chapter of human history.

i'd love to repost the entire article but there's no need.

here's a snip:

'“to my mind,” dr. porco said, “most people go through life recoiling from its best parts. they miss the enrichment that just a basic knowledge of the physical world can bring to the most ordinary experiences. it’s like there’s a pulsating, hidden world, governed by ancient laws and principles, underlying everything around us — from the movements of electrical charges to the motions of the planets — and most people are completely unaware of it.

“to me, that’s a shame.”'

go to the NYT for the rest.