breathtaking saturn

click to source on ciclops!

'cassini continues its extended tour of saturn with rev122, the spacecraft's 123rd orbit around the ringed planet. cassini begins rev122 on november 30 at its farthest distance from saturn, called apoapse. at this point, cassini is 2.5 million kilometers (1.55 million miles) from saturn's cloud tops. during rev122, cassini orbits in the ring and orbital plane of saturn's main satellites, providing an opportunity for cassini to encounter some of saturn's moons as well as observe mutual events between the various satellites.'

intelligence squared - is atheism the new fundamentalism

click pic to go to video source

'the motion proposes that atheism is the new fundamentalism, i.e., atheism has replaced religion as the new faith of the secular age, exploring the notion that modern atheism is itself guilty of the very dogma and belief in its own infallibility which it scorns in the religious community.'

for the motion:
richard harries
charles moore

against the motion:
a.c. grayling
richard dawkins

'for the first time, this intelligence squared debate was live-streamed over the internet, allowing people to watch, and participate, from anywhere in the world. the online audience's vote is included below.'

initial vote: for 333, against 675, undecided 389
final vote: for 363, against 1070, undecided 85
final online vote: for 37, against 889, undecided 12

The Ring

(2002) *****

“Ninety percent of science fiction is crap,” legendary sci-fi author Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985) once admitted, “but then, ninety percent of everything is crap.” The observation (now known as “Sturgeon’s Law” or “Sturgeon’s Revelation”) is justifiably famous; his implicit point applies not just to sci-fi but to other ghettoized genres as well. In the wilderness of the popular arts, without the reassuring guiderails of an august critical establishment, a sci-fi fan (or a horror fan) is like a treasure hunter without a map, forced to navigate the uncharted waters of pulp and schlock in search of the remaining ten percent, the “flecks of gold dropped in the grass” that make it all worthwhile. Two years ago I gathered five examples of the far end of Sturgeon’s statistical bell curve for my so-called “Masterpiece Series”—Psycho (1960), Night of the Living Dead (1968), The Exorcist (1973), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), and Alien (1979)—and now I’m ready to add a sixth.

Like those other movies, Gore Verbinski’s The Ring scales the high altitudes of art without ever losing sight of the basic mechanics of scare fiction; the elements are assembled with incredible skill, intricacy and delicacy (and an unerring sense of tone) but the chills and thrills are as coarse, direct and potent as the simplest campfire story igniting a pre-teen nervous system. The movie reaches effortlessly for the deepest themes and ambiguities of all ghost stories (and The Ring is, first and foremost, a ghost story in the richest sense) without ever abandoning the basic scare mechanics that fuel a horror fan’s nightmares. While you may never penetrate the sensual, criminal and historical mysteries at the movie’s core, you’ll know exactly which innocuous real-life phenomena to be terrified of; which mundane anxieties are being exquisitely re-tuned into instruments of fear.

“Have you heard about the videotape that kills you when you watch it?” Sixty-seven seconds and four lines into the classic dark-and-stormy-night opening (rendered in extreme low light* by ace cinematographer Bojan Bazelli), the story’s brilliant basic conceit is revealed, unleashing exactly that surreal alchemy by which the ordinary world comes apart, exposing avenues to the inexplicable and uncanny. Ghosts are storytellers, in any culture and any century, vengefully testifying, reaching back into the realm of the living with hatred and longing, but in our modern era, wouldn’t the spectral traces of the restless afterlife be recorded not in tea leaves or animal entrails (or in Kirlian images captured by Victorian cameras) but within the television screens, phones and videotapes that surround us? When six doomed, libido-driven teenagers (is there another kind in horror movies?) in a remote mountain cabin with a VCR “try to record the game” and, instead, pick up the emanations that turn an unlabeled VHS cassette into a lethal, confounding dispatch from beyond the grave, the timeless armatures of all ghost stories (from Homer to Shakespeare to Dickens) are transformed into a twenty-first-century fable, in which ethereal clues are literally hidden beyond the tracking edges of a video image.

The “deadly tape” motif is carried over from Hideo Nakata’s Japanese original, Ringu (1998) (which I have not seen), but Verbinski and screenwriter Ehren Kruger have successfully Americanized the story—although murky evidence of a curse from the Far East remains at the core of the new movie’s mystery investigation. The Ring doesn’t feel like a remake at all; the relentless structural perfection (by which layers of the mystery are penetrated at climactic half-hour act breaks) and the unusually subtle cultural and psychological depth lend an orchestral complexity and force to the scares. The ghost story draws powerful connections (metaphorical and real) between two shattered families, past and present, and two troubled children: Naomi Watts and Martin Henderson (as a Seattle journalist and her photographer ex-boyfriend) bring their professional skills to bear in a desperate race to solve the supernatural mystery before it kills them and their moody young son, but the mystery itself is a darker, gothic tale of an island horse farm, a lighthouse, an apparent suicide and a lonely girl trapped in a barn’s attic with only a television for companionship. The Dadaist imagery on the tape—the bugs and ladders, chairs and centipedes, mirrors and severed fingers and, finally, the ring (which you see “before you die” if you’re cursed) connect the broken families in a weave of sadness, estrangement and empathy that informs the video-broadcast metaphor: the suffering of a child is fundamentally solitary, but the effects can be broad beyond belief, and, in the end, as the otherworldly girl promises the baffled scientists who cruelly, fruitlessly examine her, “everyone will suffer.”

Beyond his masterful storytelling gifts, Gore Verbinski is a spectacular visual talent in the tradition of Ridley Scott and David Fincher, and he excels at crafting traditionally evocative visuals by means of meticulously executed photography invisibly bolstered by wall-to-wall digital effects. (Anyone doubting these claims should re-aquaint themselves with his subsequent project, the glorious Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, which employs an orgy of ILM wizardry to transform a 1950s Disneyland ride into an irresistible, nearly-hallucenogenic adventure saga.) Eight different effects houses worked on The Ring, including Tippett Studios, Matte World Digital (who created Moesko Island and its lighthouse out of thin air, as also documented in this article) and especially Method Studios, who made the Ring Tape itself (see below)—but you can watch the whole movie without ever suspecting that it contains a single pixel; like Hans Zimmer’s haunting score, the digital technology propels the story without polluting our soulful gaze at the lonely, rain-drenched, bottle-green world it inhabits. Filled with countless memorable details—a blinking answering machine light; a panicked stallion galloping across a fog-bound ferryboat, the staccato video still of the ring that exactly intersects the DreamWorks logo’s moon for two frames (see top image above) in lieu of an opening title—this somber, ultimately heroic tale fulfils the highest potentials of horror movies without ever losing sight of its obligations to scare you senseless. If, as Sturgeon implied, only ten percent of horror is any good at all, it’s an even smaller portion that’s truly superb; that affirms our faith in the necessity of the macabre: The Ring unquestionably belongs to that rarefied breed.

(P.S.:The DVD of The Ring contains the complete, uninterrupted Ring Tape as a hidden “Easter Egg,” which I’ve extracted and posted on my website for your viewing unease.)

*I'm not kidding about "extreme low light." Watch the movie's opening sequence again (but only if you've seen it already; don't waste your first viewing of this excellent seven minutes on a mediocre YouTube clip): that's got to be the most dimly-lit suburban home I've ever seen. It's not shadowy or gothic—it's a perfectly ordinary, affluent house equipped with a normal complement of lamps—but it's nevertheless drowning in darkness.

Robert Downey Jr Might Make Only "Sherlock Holmes" and "Iron Man" Sequels

From worstpreviews, Robert Downey Jr recently revealed that he is planning to quit acting after making a few more films. In an interview with Empire magazine he has now revealed that he wouldn't mind if those films are only "Iron Man" and "Sherlock Holmes" installments.

"To tell you the truth, I would be happy to bounce back and forth between Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark until I am forcibly retired," he said. "And also, fortunately, not unlike Iron Man, there is a way to continue along the lines of it and not become increasingly embarrassed by my greying hair and ropey muscles."

Downey added that future installments of "Sherlock Holmes" have already been planned out. "Between Guy [Ritchie] and me, the missus (producer Susan Downey) and Joel Silver (producer), we definitely know what we would like to do for the next two sequels," he said.

Hysterical: David Thorne's Latest Prankery

From geekology, It's hard to top the 7-legged spider, but this is the latest from David Thorne. This time, an acquaintance asks for David's help creating some charts and graphics for a business venture. What happens? The exact same thing you wish you'd done to your boss a million times. Minus the desk-shitting.

Read the entire exchange here


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the OTE building as reflected on the aspis building across kifissias avenue in athens.
i've added this to the flickr page map.
This is a beautiful, warming live version of Judas by Martin Gore (Depeche Mode). Yearning, Sadness, Simplicit... ♫


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Stocking Stuffer Alert: Lightsaber Chopsticks

Read more here

a peek at hubble's view of the universe

feynman's got rhythm

carl sagan on the importance of scientific research may 1993



I know this is post Horrorthon but after AC's urging Tony & I decided to press forward and watch Monsturd. What we found was a delightfully humorous and nearly nauseatingly disgusting film.

An escaped convict stumbles into some toxic goo mixed with doodie in the sewers and it turns him into a giant murderous shit man. The local authorites with the help of the feds set a trap baited with what else, corn & peanuts to trap the turd man. Their theory is if they can lure the turd out then force a horde of flies to attack it, the flies will eat the poop and destroy the monsturd.

But this evil scientist guy, Dr. Stern who is responsible for creating the thing wants it to live so he can study it. So he makes a deal with the turd to keep him safe until the annual chili cook-off where people will be pooping in force and the already giant fecal monster can gain strength from the townspeoples crap and amass more size. Some seriously crazy shit!

Just check out the theme song lyrics if you want to know just how silly this film is. So bad it's good.

Dawn of the Dead

(2004) ***1/2

As the world is overrun by a plague of fast-moving, ravenous zombies, a small group of disparate survivors seek shelter in a mall. Surrounded by a moat of zombies, they must make decisions as a group, and survival depends on making the right calls.

Umm, AWKWARD! I just don’t remember enough details about why I felt the way I did in response to watching this movie a month ago. Clearly I need to write up my reviews as quickly as possible and not give in to the wave of exhaustion and procrastination that sweeps over the blog in November. I remember loving the first half, feeling like the movie lost something in the second half, and my interest perking up as the credits rolled (that WAS awesome, wasn’t it?). I know all the boys gave DotD (2004) five stars, but even though I feel the pressure of their vastly superior zombie-related opinions, I can’t say I shared their experience (maybe because my expectations were too high?). As always in such situations, I remain open to the possibility that future viewings will convert me, and luckily I own the DVD (unrated director’s version, natch).

How I Got Back Into Shape Post Pregnancy

No, I'm kidding. That's not me.

I just wanted to share this article about becoming a cyborg and living forever. Apparently, if you can live on a calorie restricted diet and keep yourself in pretty good shape until 2045, you might have a chance to become a cyborg and live forever. 2045 is the projected date of the "Singularity":

Within a quarter century, nonbiological intelligence will match the range and subtlety of human intelligence. It will then soar past it because of the continuing acceleration of information-based technologies, as well as the ability of machines to instantly share their knowledge. Intelligent nanorobots will be deeply integrated in our bodies, our brains, and our environment, overcoming pollution and poverty, providing vastly extended longevity, full-immersion virtual reality incorporating all of the senses (like “The Matrix”), “experience beaming” (like “Being John Malkovich”), and vastly enhanced human intelligence. The result will be an intimate merger between the technology-creating species and the technological evolutionary process it spawned.

You all go on. I'm already rotting away, so I'm going to just keep eating.

existing in a narrow depth of field

existing in a narrow depth of field
like it? really??! click it, then...
i don't know the future and have forgotten most of my past. all i have is now.

sirius stargazing: the double cluster (caldwell 14)

why do people laugh at creationists - installment 31

...featuring the current star of ignorant creationism, ray comfort!

i added this to the perpetually enriched playlist of thunderf00t's videos.
I hope this song warms you... my fingers & toes are dethawing. Visit for more. ♫

star tickle

star trek, glammies - spock from liam grice on vimeo.

william shatner and adam west in ancient greece

a pre-star trek and pre-batman pilot that failed. thankfully.
in 3 parts.

via io9


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Happy Turkey/Tofurkey/Pilgrim/Family Day! I hope you are able to share moments with friends and family and be thankful to those in your life. I am thankful to have such a wonderful family of truly caring friends and blood relatives.

pink cyclamen

pink cyclamen
like it? click it!

a gift from mr.G. i thought i should shoot it before my lack of green thumb proves dire.
shot against my favorite black background in the late afternoon sun.

pink cyclamen 2

at home in the cosmos with annie druyan: a trailer

more information at podjockey!

video description:
'this amazing set of original podcasts features ann druyan's intimate accounts of her life with carl sagan, including their colorful histories growing up in brooklyn and queens. she takes you on a tour of their amazing home in ithaca, and shares some of her most treasured memories and possessions. she talks about their collaborative projects including the interstellar voyager message, motion picture contact, groundbreaking documentary COSMOS, and best selling books - as well as their family life and the story book love affair that they shared. she takes you on a tour of the never before seen sagan archives and sits at his graveside while talking about her own philosophy of life and death.'

thanks to the sagan appreciation society for the information!

Genius I tell you!

Octopunk and I were talking about this on the phone last night. There's a growing bilious reaction to James Cameron's upcoming Avatar. My favorite new stuff is on Gawker, here:

The Mounting Evidence That Avatar Will Suck, Part 1

The Mounting Evidence That Avatar Will Suck, Part 2: An Eyewitness Account

Anyway, are we not men? We are geeks! So we have to talk about this. My attitude is, Michelle Rodriguez...enough said. Thoughts? (If you can't see my cartoon above...and you want to bigify it.)

martian meteorite surrenders new secrets of possible life

on spaceflight now:

click pic to source
'compelling new data that chemical and fossil evidence of ancient microbial life on mars was carried to earth in a martian meteorite is being elevated to a higher plane by the same NASA team which made the initial discovery 13 years ago.

sources tell spaceflight now that the new data are providing a powerful new case for the allen hills meteorite to have carried strong evidence of martian life to earth -- evidence that is increasingly standing up to scrutiny as new analytical tools are used to examine the specimen.'

continue reading...

Toy Story 3 trailer

The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

I posted this on the ole FBook last night and it saw a very positive response.
See the early responses here

Btw, in case it ever comes up on Jeopardy, my favourite Queen tune is "Dragon Attack" and Kermit singing "Rainbow Connection"

Trivia: "Rainbow Connection" was written by Paul Williams and Kenneth Ascher and sung by Jim Henson.

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The Messengers 2: The Scarecrow


John’s dream to operate a farm turns into a reality when he moves his family from Chicago to a remote Kansas setting. His quixotic notion of farm life is quickly altered as the realities of the job sink in. With dying crops, debt, and a huge crow problem, John struggles to keep up. After discovering an ugly-ass scarecrow hidden behind a wall in his barn, he quickly erects it despite the protestations of his wimpy young son who senses that something is wrong with it. It turns out that John should have listened to the wuss. Soon strange things begin to happen including the unexplained deaths of all the crows, spooky sounds at night, and a visit from the police asking about a missing person that had met with John the previous day. John begins to change as well and starts acting like a jerk. What is the connection between the scarecrow and the dark events unfolding on John’s farm?

Don't blame me!

I fell asleep during the final third of the original “The Messengers” and never went back to it. I managed to remain awake for this completely unrelated sequel, which was marginally entertaining despite its paint-by-numbers predictability. The scarecrow stuff was largely unimpressive and it was difficult to get a good view of the thing, which was no doubt intentional in order to conceal the film’s meager budget. Oddly enough there are a few sex scenes that rise to the level of soft core porn. In one inappropriate and uncomfortable scene John essentially rapes his wife (blame the scarecrow!). The Messengers 2 is the kind of film you might toss in at the 11th hour if you don’t have better options and you’ve been drinking wine from a box.

the heart -- and hypocrisy -- of the abortion matter

from msnbc:

'in a breathtakingly tight argument, chris matthews corners rhode island bishop thomas tobin, who has banned rep. patrick kennedy, d-r.i., from receiving holy communion due to his views on abortion.

because here's the moral hypocrisy at the heart of the church's abortion position: if it's really and truly murder, you're talking about prosecuting mothers, sisters, lovers and friends for having them. tweety is quite aggressive with the bishop, demanding to know exactly what legal penalties he thinks should be legislated.'

via RD

this provoked an instant flashback to this video from 2007, where anti-abortion demonstrators were asked what the punishment should be for women who got abortions if abortion became illegal:

click pic to youtube video

for.give & for.get

for.give & for.get
like it? click it!

Stephen King is Writing a Sequel to "The Shining"

From worstpreviews, Last Thursday, Stephen King was promoting his new "Under the Dome" novel at Toronto's Canon Theatre and also talked about his next book, which he said he has been working on since last summer. The new book will be called "Doctor Sleep" and that it will be a sequel to one of his most popular novels, "The Shining."

The reason for the follow-up is because the author believes that the first novel never explained what happened to young Danny and his psychic powers. And even though King ended his 1977 book on a positive note, he believes that the events that took place at the Overlook Hotel must have left Danny with lots of emotional scars.

The Torontoist was at the event and described what the author has in mind for the follow-up:

"Danny is now 40 years old and living in upstate New York, where he works as the equivalent of an orderly at a hospice for the terminally ill. Danny's real job is to visit with patients who are just about to pass on to the other side, and to help them make that journey with the aid of his mysterious powers. Danny also has a sideline in betting on the horses, a trick he learned from his buddy Dick Hallorann."

Exclusive: Read The Star Trek 2009 Scene Written For William Shatner

From trekmovie, Most fans can remember that one of the biggest debates around JJ Abrams Star Trek movie was about if it would (or should) include William Shatner. The film makers spoke of how they tried to find a way, but in the end felt it wouldn’t work. However, JJ Abrams revealed that Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman did write a scene for Shatner, and today we have that scene for you to read.

Putting Shatner into Star Trek (2009)
TrekMovie received the scene below from one of our trusted sources and it has been verified to be the scene written for Shatner (but never shown to Shatner). The “Alternate Scene B” actually creates alternative versions two scenes from the end of the movie: the moment between Spock Prime (Nimoy) and Spock (Quinto) in the hangar, plus the award ceremony with Kirk (Pine), Pike (Greenwood) and the Commandant (Tyler Perry).

Read the scene here

Peter Jackson Says Spielberg’s Tintin Has Finished Filming, Computer Animation Will Take Two Years, Updates on Hobbit

From slashfilm, Now this is truly bittersweet news to report. While in London for The Lovely Bones, Peter Jackson updated the BBC on the status of Steven Spielberg’s Tintin and confirmed that filming is complete. The kicker? It’ll take about two years for the computer animation to be completed (remember this is a 3D motion-captured CG film).

I suppose we shouldn’t have expected any better when they announced that the film would be released on December 23, 2011—but I was still hoping that through some miracle we’d see the film earlier.

Jackson’s full comments on Tintin:

Tintin is great. It’s made. The movie is cut together and now [we] are turning it into a fully-rendered film… So the movie, to some degree, exists in a very rough state.

While improvements in computer processing may eventually allow them to complete the film sooner, I don’t suspect that Paramount will budge from their current release schedule. I’m just hoping we get annual releases for the other films in the trilogy to make up for this torturous wait.

Read the rest here

Exclusive: We have the rare, alternate opening sequence to the original 'Star Trek' series!

From ew, ‘Tis the season to be a Star Trek fan. JJ Abrams’ blockbuster Star Trek reboot just hit DVD. And on Dec. 15, CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment will release season three of Star Trek: The Original Series on Blu-ray. One of the extras includes a piece of pretty sweet Trek arcana that hard-core Trekkers/Trekkies (pick whichever one offends you the least) are going to eat up.

As almost everyone knows, each episode of Star Trek began with William Shatner’s James T. Kirk intoning the memorable preamble:

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before…

As it happens, however, a rare, alternate version of Trek’s pilot episode, “Where No Man Has Gone Before” (actually the second pilot that was shot for Trek… oh, but that’s another story), began with a different opening monologue.

Watch it here
Many folks know I am a huge fan Jeff Buckley as well as Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance). Here is Brendan's cove... ♫

saturnian northern lights

northern aurora in motion:

click to source at ciclops!
'an aurora, shining high above the northern part of saturn, moves from the night side to the day side of the planet in this movie recorded by cassini.

these observations, taken over four days, represent the first visible-light video of saturn's auroras. they show tall auroral curtains, rapidly changing over time when viewed at the limb, or edge, of the planet's northern hemisphere. the sequence of images also reveals that saturn's auroral curtains, the sheet-like formations of light-emitting atmospheric molecules, stretch up along saturn's magnetic field and reach heights of more than 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) above the planet's limb. these are the tallest known "northern lights" in the solar system.'

read on....
press release here.

Are people taking a break from reviews or is everyone done?

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The Decade: 10 films that should never have been made

From cinemablend [excerpt], Almost as big a disappointment as Half-Blood Prince, Spider-Man 3 failed to break itself free of the “the third one always sucks” law of filmmaking. Sam Raimi had previously crafted two of my favorite superhero movies and three of my favorite horror films so expectations were running pretty high, but the sad truth of it is too many villains and studio interference sank what should have been the best in the series. The iconic Spider-Man villain Venom is officially ruined, and although there’s talk of a spin-off about the character, all future interactions with the webbed avenger have been crushed. I have one question: Who at the studio saw the emo hair dance scene and said, “Yes, this is totally OK?” There’s a special brand of bullets for people like that.

See the full list here

Yellow Submarine update

From slashfilm, This weekend, the 28th and 29th of November, there’s a huge Beatles convention taking place in Stamford, Connecticut. Amongst all of the merchandise sales and other such typical expo shenanigans, there’s also set to be an open audition for Beatlemaniacs wanting to try out for casting in what they’re calling “The Fab Four.” Of course, that the film “will be shot as a motion-capture feature like the current Disney release of A Christmas Carol” tells us everything we need to know - this is Robert Zemeckis‘ remake of Yellow Submarine.

There’s already some suspicion, though, that this casting call is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Zemeckis has already talked about the possibility of Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr playing themselves in the film, there’s been a number of previous auditions, and even stories of name actors being up for the roles, perhaps even cast in them already.

REad the entire article here

victor j. stenger at the TFC

at the 2009 texas freethought convention. in 5 parts.

via RD

symphony of science: our place in the cosmos

featuring carl sagan, richard dawkins, michio kaku and robert jastrow.


with every century
our eyes on the universe have been opened anew
we are witness
to the very brink of time and space

[robert jastrow]
we must ask ourselves
we who are so proud of our accomplishments
what is our place in the cosmic perspective of life?

[carl sagan]
the exploration of the cosmos
is a voyage of self discovery
as long as there have been humans
we have searched for our place in the cosmos

[richard dawkins]
are there things about the universe
that will be forever beyond our grasp?
are there things about the universe that are

one of the great revelations of space exploration
is the image of the earth, finite and lonely
bearing the entire human species
through the oceans of space and time

matter flows from place to place
and momentarily comes together to be you
some people find that thought disturbing
i find the reality thrilling

as the ancient mythmakers knew
we're children equally of the earth and the sky
in our tenure on this planet, we've accumulated
dangerous evolutionary baggage

we've also acquired compassion for others,
love for our children,
and a great soaring passionate intelligence
the clear tools for our continued survival

[michio kaku]
we could be in the middle
of an inter-galactic conversation
and we wouldn't even know

we've begun at last
to wonder about our origins
star stuff contemplating the stars
tracing that long path

our obligation to survive and flourish
is owed not just to ourselves
but also to that cosmos
ancient and vast, from which we spring

the first two installments are here and here.
i'm adding them to a playlist, to which i'll add any new installments.
please check out the symphony of science!

Facebook - Dislike Button

I am certain that you have read a posting, seen a photo or link on Facebook that you have wished you could "dislike" instead of "like".

Perhaps it was a sad story, a horrid photo of you or any number of reasons why you may not like or agree with the content.

If you run Firefox as your browser, you now can rock the "dislike"!
The option is not yet on Facebook directly, so you will need this plugin.

Download the "Dislike" plugin from Mozilla Firefox here

I run the Chrome & Opera browsers, so I will await the updates.

Additionally, here is something I posted on the FBook over the wknd:

Here’s a neat little easter egg the Facebook programmers hid in the code:
Open your Facebook homepage, then (using the arrow pad) type:
up up down down left right left right
Type “ba” and hit “enter”

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a sprinkling of leaves

a sprinkling of leaves
like it? really?!? then click it!

berry bokeh at alsos syngrou

at alsos syngrou. i've places this on the map at the original flickr page.

Boston Super-Megafest!

I woke up extra-early Saturday morning due to my anticipation of Boston Super Megagfest (or because I had too much wine the night before). I’ve been attending this show for 20+ years and you simply never know what treasure you might discover. Following a quick stop at Dunkin’ Donuts for a “Great One”, I sped towards Framingham, MA for the annual nerd jamboree. I purchased tickets early, which meant that I would be given access to the convention 1 hour before the general public.

When I saw the fat Sleestack I knew I was in the right place

Although I arrived at the show an hour earlier than the doors would open for the early birds, I was still met with a long line of other equally excited nerds. Because Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman) was one of the celebs attending, there was a spirited discussion about The Six Million Dollar Man going on behind me. Thankfully my phone was charged up and I surfed the internet and played Ms. Pacman to pass the time.

Finally the doors opened and there was a nerd stampede, which means that the line moved at a glacial pace as people entered the wondrous room of treasure. This young siren almost knocked me over in her eagerness to gain entrance,

I have crazy eyes

The fans did not disappoint and there were plenty of people dressed in (probably very expensive) costumes,

There was a cool display of monster props and I told Ben to go pose for me. As soon I snapped his picture I heard a voice mutter, “That’s a dollah”. I turned around to find the source of the voice and I spied a little old man behind a table looking at me. Confused I said, “Huh?” He repeated his statement, “It’s a dollah”. He must have realized that I had no idea what the hell he was saying so he added a little more, “We encouraged people to make a dollah donation to (something) if you take a pick-cha of the display”. Of course I only had $20s on me (stupid ATM) and I had to borrow the buck from a friend.

This picture cost me a buck

This guy was waiting to get an autograph from a former Playboy bunny - Earlier he farted near me

Although there are always a bunch of b-celebs at these things, I’m not usually too interested. I go to these shows for the collectibles but I decided to document some of the “famous” people. It’s difficult to get clear photos due to poor lighting and the fact that the celebs don’t like you to take their picture if you’re not forking over $25 so I had to shoot quickly.

Peter Tork posing with a fan bearing an eerie resemblance to Alice from The Brady Bunch

Elderly Oscar Goldman

Big Pussy seemed annoyed with me

Data is old

Cindy Morgan was the sexy chick from Tron and Caddyshack, now she's frumpy

Mickey Dolenz, Ray Park and a few other celebs would be showing up later, but I didn’t stick around. My friend attended a Mickey Dolenz panel and later watched Dolenz and Tork perform in an evening concert. He also attended a Spike (Buffy the Vampire) panel and said that the guy was terrific. On my way out I snapped a bunch of pictures of the very cool Batmobile,

“Batman” was decidedly less cool,

I picked up a few DVDs including a complete bootleg set of the Wonder Years for Whirlygirl as a reward for earning her Masters degree on Saturday. My greatest discovery, however, was two Mego KISS dolls. Mego KISS dolls are extremely difficult to find on the collector’s market due to high KISS and Mego collectors demand and the low quantities originally produced. Twenty years ago I acquired a Gene Simmons for $50. On today’s market single KISS dolls easily fetch hundreds of dollars loose; a set of all 4 in their originally boxes typically costs upwards of $2000 if you can even find them. One of the dealers had a Paul and an (extremely rare) Peter Criss (he was produced in much smaller quantities due to a rumor at the time that he was quitting the band). My jaw dropped when he told me I could have them for $10 each. I had $200 in my pocket and I wouldn’t have hesitated to spend it on this holy grail of Mego collectibles. For $20 I now have 3 out of 4 KISS dolls. Now I’m on the hunt for Ace.

"Where's Ace?"

All in all it was a fun day. I was somewhat disappointed in the wares but there was enough there to keep me entertained for 4 hours. I can’t wait for next year.

See ya next year!