Massive Attack - Angel ( Live From Abbey Road)
Pink Scrubs, Darth Vader Mask, Hatchet-Wielding Bank Robbery suspect arrested!
This is outta control!
Pink scrubs, Darth Vader mask, hatchet-wielding bank robbery suspect arrested - Rowland Heights
A man wearing pink hospital scrubs, a Darth Vader mask, black wig, gloves, and wielding a hatchet was arrested by deputies about three hours after robbing a bank inside a Rowland Heights grocery store Thursday.
At about 11:00AM on December 30th, a robber entered the Bank of America located inside an Albertson's grocery store on the 19000 block of Colima Road. An undisclosed amount of money was stolen. After robbing the bank, he was seen quickly leaving the store wearing the unusual disguise and weapon.
Walnut Sheriff's Station detectives of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and investigators with the Federal Bureau of Investigation immediately followed up on several leads.
The investigation led to the identification of the suspect as Gregory Sanchez, male Hispanic, 46, a resident of West Covina.
The suspect was arrested by Walnut Sheriff's Station detectives at about 2:00PM the same day, while working as a Courtesy Clerk at the same Albertson's grocery store.
Bail is set at $100,000.00.
"Bank robbery is a very serious matter and very frightening to victims and witnesses. We are glad no one was hurt and that we have a suspect in custody," said Lt. John Saleeby, Walnut Sheriff's Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
Partner to prevent or report crime by contacting your local Sheriff’s station. Or if you wish to remain Anonymous, call “LA Crime Stoppers” by dialing 800-222-TIPS (8477), texting the letters TIPLA plus your tip to CRIMES (274637), or using the website http://lacrimestoppers.org
Lt. John Saleeby
Walnut / Diamond Bar Sheriff's Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
(909) 595-2264
Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau (MJP)
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
(323) 267-4800
See more at local.nixle.com
Shok - Sun After Rain (2010 12 22) by fdaallday
Ann Magnuson Does David Bowie @ Steve Allen Theatre January 8th & 9th
I will have to check this!!!!
Daily from Sat., January 8 until Sun., January 9, 8:00pm
at the Center for Inquiry-West, 4773 Hollywood Blvd.
CARead more at www.laweekly.com
Best Actor 1965
Richard Burton in The Spy Who Came in From The Cold
Oskar Werner in Ship of Fools
Lee Marvin in Cat Ballou
Rod Steiger in The Pawnbroker
Laurence Olivier in Othello
VOTD: Angry Birds Peace Treaty
Amazing short video, Ebert deems Oscar-worthy.
This 3:35 min short was shot during the blizzard in NY the other day. It is stunning and the music fits well too! I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.
"Man in a Blizzard," by Jamie Stuart
This film deserves to win the Academy Award for best live-action short subject.
(1) Because of its wonderful quality. (2) Because of its role as homage. It is directly inspired by Dziga Vertov's 1929 silent classic "Man With a Movie Camera." (3) Because it represents an almost unbelievable technical proficiency. It was filmed during the New York blizzard of Dec. 26, and Jamie Stuart e-mailed it to me with this time stamp: December 27, 2010 4:18:18 PM CST.
I wrote Jamie Stuart asking how in the name of heaven he made that film. He e-mailed in return:
"The simple answer as to how it was done so quickly: practice.
See more at blogs.suntimes.com
Shok - (Bourne Ultimatum) 2007 02 17 Bourne trailer 1 by fdaallday
Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty | Video on TED.com
Denis Dutton: A Darwinian theory of beauty | Video on TED.com
2011 Movie Preview: All the upcoming films we're most excited about

From cinemablend, We’re ready to tie a bow on 2010 and start looking forward to the new year, a new year full of movies which are bound to be better than The Bounty Hunter, even if it’s only by accident. With that positive outlook on what another year of movie watching can bring, we got together and took marksman-like aim at the future, to create the definitive list of the new releases we’re most looking forward to in 2011.
You’re about to encounter that upcoming movies list with our brief attempts to explain why we hope the film might be worth our time, along with a lesser listing of movies you might be interested in, but that we don’t care enough about to bother writing anything for you. That’s alright, you don’t need us. For more detailed information on any of the upcoming movies below, including release dates full casts lists and even trailers, simply click on the movie title. Flex your movie watching muscles and start picking out what you’ll want to watch in 2011 right now.
See full list here
Moron Hit By Car Playing Real Life 'Frogger'

From geekology,
Worst player ever.
Some moron got hit by a car and sent to the hospital after attempting a game of real-life Frogger. Unsurprisingly to those of us who think people are inherently dumb as shit, this is not the first time it's happened. Game over, man!
Authorities said the 23-year-old man was taken to a hospital in Anderson after he was struck at around 9 p.m. Monday.
Before he was hit, police say the man had been discussing the game with his friends.
Chief Jimmy Dixon says the man yelled "go" and darted into oncoming traffic in the four-lane highway.
No charges are expected against the driver.
Sure there are no charges expected for the driver, but what about awards? That driver took a proactive approach to Darwinism and I demand he be rightfully compensated. Unless it was a woman, in which case PAY ATTENTION TO THE ROAD, YOU'RE GONNA KILL SOMEBODY!
Best Actor 1982: Results
4. Peter O'Toole in My Favorite Year- Peter O'Toole is good, and charming as a washed up movie star. His performance is not incredible but it is a nice funny and entertaining performance by O'Toole.
3. Ben Kingsley in Gandhi- Kingsley is quite good in the challenging role of Gandhi. He always seems completely authentic as Gandhi, in every scene and at every age. I never once doubted him as Gandhi, which is a spectacular achievement of Kingsley's.
2. Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie- An incredibly enjoyable performance by Hoffman here. He makes sure every joke hits home with his perfect delivery, and timing. He makes the film also believable despite playing a man playing woman. Many scenes could have come off as just odd, by Hoffman makes them humorous, and also adds even more with the oddly poignant transformation caused by being a woman for awhile.
1. Paul Newman in The Verdict- Newman gives a full portrait of a man from being tired and broken down, but slowly growing toward a redemption of sorts. I personally finds this performance to be an outstanding and powerful performance which is incredibly true and authentic. A heartbreaking performance which may not have the technical challenges of Kingsley and Hoffman's characters, but Newman is the who made Galvin a truly empathetic man to me which is something a performance rarely does for me, but this one did completely.
Deserving Performances:
I decided to change other deserving performances since rewriting the performances in my ranking in my nominees is rather redundant. For the deserving performances this year I cannot think of any but I am open to suggestions.
sam harris: a new year's resolution for the rich
in 2006, when i started this blog, i heard people refer to him as the world's most prominent atheist. as i read the end of faith, i came to realize how important and urgent it is for people to turn to reason-based action and to free themselves from the chains of superstition.
letter to a christian nation was a succinct encore.
last month, the moral landscape helped me to better understand questions of ethical and moral existence.
i'm repeatedly impressed by harris' ability to concisely focus and shine stark light on the most complex issues we face today.
in his latest essay, harris again faces taboo issues head-on by proposing actions by the wealthiest among us to alleviate the tragic inequality our societies face. i could quote all of it... but
we now live in a country in which the bottom 40 percent (120 million people) owns just 0.3 percent of the wealth. data of this kind make one feel that one is participating in a vast psychological experiment: just how much inequality can free people endure?
harris refers to the u.s. economy, but, in my mind, it can be expanded to encompass the globe.
the entire piece, a new year's resolution for the rich, is on the huffington post.
Which Avenger Will Reportedly Cameo in ‘Thor’?

From slashfilm, has established a pattern of having characters show up in small roles before playing a bigger part in later films. The obvious precedent is that Samuel L. Jackson showed up at the end of Iron Man as Nick Fury, then had a larger role in Iron Man 2, and he’ll likely be an even bigger presence in The Avengers. Now there’s word that another Avenger (not Nick Fury) is going to be seen briefly in Marvel’s upcoming Thor. We’ve kept the info after the break so those who want to be surprised don’t have to know too much up front.
The Wrap says that Jeremy Renner will appear in Thor as Hawkeye. In some ways this isn’t new, because Jeremy Renner himself mentioned last year that he expected Hawkeye to show up in Thor. But he went back on that statement not long afterward, noting that he wasn’t even cast in the role at the time. But he was then cast as Hawkeye, fulfilling his first statement, and the idea that he’d be in Thor lingered as a possibility.
So this is the first vague confirmation that the cameo will be in the movie. The Wrap quotes a source who has seen an early cut of Thor, but there isn’t any specific information about how Hawkeye will appear, or in what context.
Best Actor 1982: Paul Newman in The Verdict
I think the Verdict is a very well done court room drama, and personal character study, that I thought was a very emotionally effective film.
Frank Galvin is a incredibly downtrodden Lawyer who is at the bottom of the barrel, he has an office which is a mess, he lacks clients and work, the biggest social event in his life is making the jokes at the bar, heck he cannot do well at pinball. Paul Newman could not be more pathetic and anything but charming or suave here. Nothing like the old Newman image seen in something like Cool Hand Luke.
Newman looks aged, and even his eyes do not even look blue in this film they look like tired old eyes of a tired old man. That is to say I think he is incredible in these early moments as Frank Galvin as just a tired man drifting through life. Newman creates a truly sad portrait of a broken man particularly in his early moments trying to get work by offering legal work to the family of the recently deceased at the individual's funeral, sleeping on the floor of his office, waking up with his hangover, Newman shows Galvin own defeat without fault.
Frank Galvin is given a case by his friend (Jack Warden) that will give him some sort of chance to rehabilitate himself. Galvin initially takes the case seeing at a way to make a fairly quick buck. The case though is a malpractice lawsuit against doctors in a Catholic Hospital who caused a woman to go into a permanent coma by using the wrong anesthetic while she was giving birth. The case though clearly effects Galvin, and he clearly starts to see as much more.
The start of this is shown in a very quiet moment where Galvin takes pictures of his client for evidence. Newman is absolutely stunning for me in this scene, his quiet expression and reaction clearly deeply effects Galvin, no words instead is all in Newman's reaction. Galvin is given an offer by the Church to avoid a trial, but avoid any justice to the doctors at fault. Newman again outstanding showing how much Galvin is truly effected on a deep level by this case. Galvin's need for justice in this case, is something deeply within something he needs to be able really be a descent person again, this again is not really spoken all that much but is made emotionally true, and incredibly clear by Newman.
Galvin though becomes less tired and slowly gains more confidence as the trial becomes closer. Galvin does not instantly become confidant as a lawyer and a person but Newman slowly portrays a growing strength in the character. He never becomes obviously charming in Newman's old way, but there is a quiet hint to his old charm in a great scene again by Newman in a scene where he picks up a Laura(Charlotte Rampling). He talks finally with an amount of confidence, not a lot but a little showing Galvin's growth. He also shows this in court, his first days he pauses, and shows a lack of strength, but slowly gains his old abilities once more.
Galvin case though is not easy do to a hostile judge (Milo O'Shea) and an overly competent, corrupt, and confidant opposing lawyer (James Mason) who goes at great lengths to undermine Galvin's case. Newman makes Galvin simply empathetic for me as he struggles to find justice for his client and find his own redemption through the challenges. I thought an especially powerfully scene was when he loses his key expert witness. His sense of a sort of abandonment, and again losing hope, and his confidence once more. An especially striking scene is his moment of defeat where he states his failure to Laura in a heartbreaking scene.
Galvin though finds a witness and still attempts to desperately win the case. Newman made me personally feel Galvin's own desperation, and strive for some sort of justice. I feel Newman's performance simply is that powerful. I felt every single one of his win and loses both in and out of the court room. Newman is to me as authentic as one can be, and as truly powerful as a performance can be. I thought especially in his pivotal speech at the end of the film. His speech is so quiet, honest, and powerful. It is in ways a small speech, not say Atticus Finch's speech in To Kill a Mockingbird, but just a strong if not stronger because Newman makes the speech heartfelt, and a deeply soulful speech that made me not for a second question the outcome of the film. An outcome of the film made powerful, and completely deserved because of Newman's performance.
46 Chromosome Animals
Posted by: zyxo | June 27, 2009
List of animal species with 46 chromosomes
Humans have 46 chromosomes. But what about other animal species ?
There are surprisingly few comparative lists of chromosome numbers to be found on the internet. I admit : it does not make a lot of sense. What would be the scientific value of that ?
Just out of curiosity I searched a bit and as far as I know below is the only list of animal species with 46 chromosomes :
- Humans (Homo sapiens)
- Muntjacs (Muntiacus reevesi)
- Black rat (Rattus rattus) , but not all of them have 46
- European hare (Lepus europeus)
- Merriam’s ground squirrel (Spermophilus canus)
- Southern short-tailed shrew (Blarina carolinensis)
- Mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa)
- Beach vole (Microtus breweri)
- Nilgai (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
- Kirk’s dik-dik (Rhynchotragus kirki)
- Grey vole (Microtus arvalis)
- Large bentwing bat (miniopterus schreibersi)
- Bolivian Tuco-tuco (Ctenomys boliviensis)
- Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi)
- Crowned Lemur (Lemur mongoz coronatus)
- Red Titi (Callicebus cupreus)
Read more at zyxo.wordpress.comAbout complexity and stuff
How to Explain the Internet to a 19th-Century Street Urchin
This is fantastic! Enjoy!
Infographic: How to Explain the Internet to a 19th-Century Street Urchin
All you need is this giant flowchart. (And a time machine.)
Read more at www.fastcodesign.comDo you know how the internet really works -- how you're able to read this article on a magical glowing rectangle attached to a keyboard? Neither do we. But if you ever have to explain the inner workings of the web to someone even less informed -- say, a homeless orphan from the 1800s -- you can now feign understanding, thanks to this handy cheat sheet created by flowchart guru Doogie Horner.
Best Actor 1982: Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie
Tootsie is actually a very enjoyable comedy, which utilizes its situation for all of the comedy it can get basically.
Dustin Hoffman does not play two characters in this film, but plays one man Micheal Dorsey an actor who pretends to be a woman Dorothy Michaels to get an acting job on a soap opera. He first is the struggling actor Micheal who works hard on his art, but perhaps is a little too difficult about it preventing him from getting work as an actor. Hoffman is very energetic, and although the role as the actor may not exactly be a challenge for Hoffman he excels especially well deriving the right amount of humor and charm in his performance.
Hoffman though really does shine as Dorothy though in an incredible performance. Although the viewer is obviously instantly in on the fact that it is Hoffman as the women, but Hoffman is fully believable anyways. His voice, is just perfect with his southern accent, and the way he changes the way he walks, and stands is all brilliantly handled by Hoffman. I never had a doubt that any of the characters would at all believe him to be a woman. This actually is a fairly a big challenge since after all he actually does not wear that much to look like a woman, but Hoffman due to the way he carries himself as a woman both physically and through his voice Dorothy Micheals is simply a perfectly convincing woman.
Hoffman though performance is not only a technical achievement though but is a thoroughly entertaining performance. In just about every scene he finds the right humor with Dorothy, and Micheal, in the double life. Hoffman is clearly working with a funny script but his timing is exceptionally good in this role. The jokes many of them are technically obvious jokes for the situation he is in, but the film and Hoffman really get the most out of them. He is simply hilarious with this performance, that is just a delight to watch. Comedy is always hard to describe why it is funny without over description, so I will just say that what Hoffman does is funny, every situation Dorothy/Micheal get into Hoffman does his best to make them funny, which he succeeds with incredibly well.
The performance actually always stays funny which is something I like but that does not mean his performance is at all simply. He shows a transformation in turning into a better man as Micheal by being a woman, which is strange but well incredibly well handled by Hoffman making it very natural and not at all forced of a transition for the character. Hoffman naturalism in this bizarre role is actually what makes every odd moment in the movie, somehow authentic and funny as well. I would say this is especially true about his "romantic" moments with Jessica Lange and Charles Durning. These scenes are over the top situations technically, but Hoffman makes them somehow play realistically and of course humorously, which is an amazing achievement since the scenes really could have gone all wrong, but instead they go all right.
I would say his best single moment is the reveal scene in the soap opera. This alone shows the brilliance of Hoffman's performance. This scene is both incredibly funny but also has the sentimental ending to his speech which Hoffman portrays wonderfully without taking away the humor from the scene nor does he make that part of the speech at all forced. This scene is just like Hoffman's performance mixing his performance as the man and the woman brilliantly and hilariously but also with the little more to the performance. Simply a great performance from Hoffman.
The Most Disappointing Movies Of 2010?

From cinemablend, Disappointment is all based on perspective and expectations. The first time I tried the Baconator from Wendy’s, I was extremely disappointed. This was because I love Dave Thomas cheeseburgers, as well as bacon, and adding a lot of each of those elements seemed like it should have created the greatest fast food sandwich ever. In reality, it was just good. There was no special sauce taking it to a new level or hidden ingredient to differentiate it from any other Wendy’s cheeseburgers with bacon. Now that I’m a little more detached from the situation, I’ve realized the Baconator should continue existing. Likewise, some of the films on this list were worth making. Even if they never quite achieved what we expected, they still were good enough to at least entertain us. Then again, some of the films on this list suck. At one point or another, we thought they had something to offer, but in the end, they’ll go down merely as disasters.
See list here
Holy macaroni! How did we live without Angry Birds?

I saw someone playing on an iPad a few weeks ago and I thought "meh." But actually playing it is rad and totally addictive. It's totally raddictive. The kinematics of the bird ballistics and the stuff falling down is intensely satisfying, and the sound effects are hilarious. Here, watch.
As the game progresses you get different birds with strange new skills for knocking shit over (I've been ploughing through levels and seeing these red birds solo is actually kind of quaint).
Death to pigs!
The Empire Strikes Back added to National Film Registry

From iwatchstuff, Fear not that your children may never get the chance to see the beloved precursors to such modern terribles as The Phantom Menace, Scary Movie 3, and Steve Martin in The Pink Panther. The Empire Strikes Back, Airplane!, and The Pink Panther were among the films today added to the National Film Registry for preservation (in case all our Blurays, VHS tapes, and Netflix queues are ever destroyed by terrorists). In addition to those three films--all of which were clearly remembered for inclusion because of some recent deaths--the ambulance chasers over at the Library of Congress also notably selected McCabe and Mrs. Miller, The Exorcist, All the President's Men, Malcolm X, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Grey Gardens, George Lucas's student short Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB, and other films they deemed "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant"--which, may I remind you, is a designation they just gave to a film with a running gag about the word "surely" being confused with the name "Shirley." Progress!
See full list here
Jon Favreau Calls Summer 2011 A Box Office ‘Bloodbath’

The summer of 2011 is absolutely loaded with massive, big budget films including huge sequels Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and The Hangover 2, new superhero films like Green Lantern, Thor and Captain America: The Last Avenger, kids fare such as Cars 2, Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom and Smurfs 3D and don’t forget Super 8, Rise of the Apes, X-Men: First Class and more.
Read more here
like it? click it!
i'm just messing around with an older shot, and inspired by a better photo editor than i.
here's a little video i made last year, when i shot this image, out of a series of stills running through the entire range of f-stops on my canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM macro:
final image:
©2010 helen sotiriadis
Meat Beat Manifesto - Mindstream
Arcadia - The Flame
Robert De Niro Tops List of Most Movie Deaths

From worstpreviews, [possible spoilers if you haven't seen some of the films] ChaCha put together a list of actors who have died the most in their movies. Topping the list is Robert De Niro with fifteen deaths, including ones in "Cape Fear," "Frankenstein" and "Jackie Brown."
Bruce Willis also made the list and was actually killed twice by his ex-wife Demi Moore in "Mortal Thoughts" and "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle." Brad Pitt is in top ten as well, but his deaths are a bit odd. He died in "Cool World," but returned as an animated character. He died in "Fight Club," but never actually existed. And he died in "Meet Joe Black," but came back as Death.
The list is far from perfect, since it doesn't include Leonardo DiCaprio (The Departed, Titanic, Blood Diamond), Kevin Spacey (Se7en, American Beauty, LA Confidential), Samuel L. Jackson (Deep Blue Sea, True Romance, Jurassic Park), or John Travolta (Pulp Fiction, Face/Off, The Punisher).
Plus, there are a bunch of movies missing for Gary Oldman and Sean Bean. Check out ChaCha's list below and let us know what should be added:
* Robert De Niro (15 films): Bloody Mama, Bang the Drum Slowly, Mean Streets, Brazil, The Mission, Cape Fear, This Boy's Life, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Heat, The Fan, Jackie Brown, Great Expectations, 15 Minutes, Hide and Seek.
See full list here
Apple Patents Holographic TV Screen Technology

From worstpreviews, Apple was just granted a patent for a new type of display screen that produces three dimensional images without the need for glasses. The technology could be used to produce new types of televisions, computer monitors and cinema screens.
The patent claims this technology would also create images that appear to be holographic. It states: "An exceptional aspect of the invention is that it can produce viewing experiences that are virtually indistinguishable from viewing a true hologram."
The system presents images taken from slightly different angles to the right and left eye, creating a stereoscopic image that the brain interprets as three-dimensional. It allows the observer to move around a virtual object and top observe multiple sides from different angles.
Some are claiming that Apple will use the technology for a 3DTV projection system, while others believe it will be used for a new 3D photo or 3D tablet.
video: Duran Duran - All You Need Is Now
WTF Of The Day: Crazy Animation Starts Normal, Goes Full Retard
“You Look Like Shit” – The Most Overused Line In Movies?
From slashfilm, Some of the most common phrases used in movies probably include ‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this”, “It is what it is”, “Let’s get outta here!”, “look at me, stay with me”, “Excuse me, is this seat taken?”, “What did I miss?”, “We got a situation here”, “You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time”, “You have no idea what you’re dealing with” and “you look like shit!” YouTube user Hollywoodvideoclips decided to create a video compilation of films which feature the last of those lines — “you look like shit!” The video montage is almost five minutes in length and features over 125 movies.
RIP Teena Marie
Another one leaves us.
Teena Marie Died
Read more at www.mwza.comTeena (Tina) Marie the ivory queen of soul died on Sunday at the age of 54, she was discovered lifeless by her daughter, but the official cause of death has not yet been revealed, her manager Mike Gardner stated.
True Grit @ Arclight Cineramadome review
Today, I caught the 5:45, Sunday screening of The Coen Brothers latest offering, True Grit at the Cineramadome at Arclight, one of the best theatres in Hollywood.
Btw, this is not a remake of the original film, but a new take on the book.
Box office report: 'Little Fockers' is No. 1

Viewers wanting to spend the holidays with a dysfunctional family other than their own helped secure Little Fockers the top spot. But even a significant boost on Christmas Day couldn’t keep the comedy from under-performing, pulling in $34 million over the weekend and taking its five-day cume up to $48 million. Not terrible numbers by any means, but definitely not as high as Universal was hoping. And with a B- CinemaScore rating, it is unlikely the threequel will end up coming close to the $279.3 million total gross of its predecessor, Meet the Fockers.
The real success story of the weekend was True Grit, which took a six-shooter to expectations and landed itself a nice No. 2 spot with $25.6 million. That’s nearly double the studio’s original estimate and marks the biggest opening ever for a Coen Bros. film, trampling Burn After Reading’s $19.1 million. It is also the biggest first weekend for a Western since 1997’s Wild Wild West. (It’s undoubtedly a more respectable entry in the genre than that wild wild mess, nabbing a B+ CinemaScore grade from audiences and, surprising considering the type of film it is, an A- from those under 25.) If nothing else, this blustery Christmas weekend showed that revenge, or at least a revenge-fueled Western, is a dish best served cold.
True Grit is followed by TRON: Legacy, which has by now downloaded about $88.3 million into Disney’s coffers. The digitized sequel will have to keep going strong if it hopes to stay in the black considering its sizable budget. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and Yogi Bear round out the Top 5, showing that families looking for wholesome entertainment had no problem choosing something a few weeks old over the stale-on-delivery Gulliver’s Travels, which debuted at No. 7 with a Lilliputian $7.2 million. And in limited release, awards-buzz films did well. The King’s Speech, which experienced its first major expansion, received a quite eloquent $4.6 million in 700 theaters, giving it a $6,511 per-screen average.
1. Little Fockers: $34 mil
2. True Grit: $25.6 mil
3. TRON: Legacy: $20.1 mil
4. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: $10.8 mil
5. Yogi Bear: $8.8 mil
Holy crap! Boston, NYC face blizzard warnings as storm system barrels north

(CNN) -- Snow fell in parts of the southeast Saturday, the leading edge of a powerful storm system that has prompted blizzard warnings in New York City and Boston and threatened to cause major travel headaches at the tail end of the holiday week.
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning for the New York City metropolitan area, from northeast New Jersey through Newark and New York, and including the entirety of both the Long Island and Connecticut coasts of the Long Island Sound. That warning is in effect between 6 a.m. Sunday and 6 p.m. Monday.
Forecasters predict between 11 to 16 inches of blowing snow in much of that region, bringing visibility to near zero at times. Sustained winds as strong as 30 miles per hour could hit Sunday night, with gusts up to 55 mph in parts of central and eastern Long Island.
And, starting at noon Sunday and extending through 6 p.m. Monday, a similar warning is out for all of Rhode Island and most of eastern Massachusetts. Parts of that region could see as much as 20 inches of snow, with strong winds contributing to near blinding travel conditions and likely significant power outages.
a year of pictures: 2010
i hope everyone's having a wonderful end-of-year-holiday-whatever-that-may-be.
and i hope some of you have enjoyed viewing my pictures -- i certainly loved creating them.
i made a video of this year's images -- well, most of them -- as i did last year.
you can view the individual images here.
©2010 helen sotiriadis
Something for you tonight - FREE - NIGHT B4 XMAS
Spend Christmas Eve at the Kitty
Music spun by
Shok (Red Light District, Zeitmahl) http://soundcloud.com/fdaallday
Kevin Venable (EM Sundays)
Jamais Vu (Mode:M) http://www.thejamaisvu.com
and more TBA
Absinthe served by
LA Absinthe Club
Special Performances TBA
$4 Xmas Drink Specials
Coco Candy Cane's
Grinch's Xmas
Blue Snowflake Shots
Apple Pie Shots
Black Coal Shot
$3 Tiger or Yanging Beer
Late Night Menu
No Cover
Ages 21+
Photos from last year: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2029771&id=1531835802
Finally! 2001: A Space Odyssey action figure

Product Features
Properly proportioned to those in the movies 2001 and 2010 (1:4:9 - the squares of the first 3 integers)
Made of semisynthetic, organic, amorphous, solid materials (AKA plastic)
Zero (0) points of articulation
May cause strange magnetic fields, action figure evolution, seeing things filled with stars, and/or more (or it might just sit on your desk doing nothing)
Dimensions: .75" x 3" x 6.75"
Get yours for the Kubrick fan in your life at thinkgeek.com.
While cruising around town with Whirlygirl to pick up last minute Christmas gifts, we stumbled across this crazy 80s song by "Captain Sensible", which just might be the most ridiculous song I've ever heard. I like to believe that I'm familiar with all music to come out of the New Wave decade but every once in a while my 80s station surprises me. Whirly insisted that we check You Tube to see if a video exists and sure enough one does. Enjoy!
Best Actor 1982: Peter O'Toole in My Favorite Year
My Favorite Year is unfortunately not that funny of a comedy the lead that is not O'Toole gets rather annoying, but there still is O'Toole to make the film enjoyable enough.
Peter O'Toole plays Alan Swann a Erroll Flynn esque movie star who is past his prime and allows his vices to get the best of him quite easily. Peter O'Toole as soon he walks on seem right for the part of Swann. He has the right cocky swagger even when he drunk, the right swagger of a over the top movie star. I like the fashion in which he played Swann as a drunk which is colorful since it is a comedy, but I do not think he over did it. I think his drunken mannerisms worked well, and he really did derive a good amount of humor from Swann's drunkenness.
Alan Swann when he is not drunk is looking for women. O'Toole really walks a careful line with Swann here, because Swann could very easily of been a completely obnoxious character, or seemed a little too slimy. But under O'Toole care Swann comes off a charming even if slimy man that simply is interesting to and rather entertaining to watch. I think he is entertaining to watch in just about every scene he tries to be so, the only problem is the film fails to focus on him enough, and spends a little too much time perhaps with the writer who looks after him played rather impressively by Mark Lynn-Baker, since O'Toole really is the film.
Swann has more than simply his entertaining antics though and has a little more to his character. A lack of a relationship with an estranged daughter that he finds trouble confronting. O'Toole adds the right poignancy to these quiet moments of Swann's without making these scenes seem disconnected with his scenes of antics. I will say the majority of his performance are his antics which are most entertaining at the end when he gets stage fright. O'Toole shows Swann anxiety with a nice amount of humor and delivers the "I'm not and actor, I'm a movie star line" as well as possible. He rounds out his performance with showing the swashbuckler actor part of Swann rather comically at the end, making O'Toole performance a nice comedic turn even if not amazing by any standards.