I have to say this was the most difficult HHD decision I've had to make. So many great contributions, just so funny.
JPX's obsession with poop and barrage of ribbing brought on by JSP addressing it had me literally laughing to tears. Stan, I totally agree we should have a JPX poop haiku day!
Uni-sex bathroom
Who left the floating B.M.?
I don't want to know

Octo has me green with envy with this one:
Robot Chicken stint
Seth Green shared joint after work
Celebs have best weed
I totally want his job.

AC represented with charm & grace as she chose to mentally blot out what appear to be some of the worlds all time worst co-workers.
jeff's right, we worked with
alcoholics, borderlines
narcissists galore
come to think of it
a catalogue of assholes
*resume forgetting*
jeff, former colleague,
is retraumatizing me
haiku hiatus please!

JSP got a taste of karma when he got poop bombed after picking on JPX.
Damn karma police
Just got back from the restroom
The stench made me cringe
and strangely enough completed the day with another barrage on poop.
It is getting late
But I must tell you this tale
The office "shitter"
Shit stains led the way
Crime scene: the ladies bathroom
Suffocating stench
I am on the case
As is my trusty sidekick
We will solve this crime

Stan truly captured the essence of co-worker hell with:
Waited two hours
For actress to stop crying
Reason? No talent.

DCD made me glad I never got into the hotel business.
Found one girl asleep
on bags of ancient towels.
She still kept her job.
Did manage to can
the one we found stealing cards
from wedding couples.

So who wins? I have been struggling all day with these entries.
From JPX
Is what a patient called me
Now that's my nick-name
and Octo. I could just imagine the look on your face when you realized what Gregario was saying.
Discussed quitting time
"Going to have me a beer
And then masturbate."
It's "hace pajo"
Since I know you're curious
Hand motion translates
In the end I had to go with JPX because I could imagine no worse hell than being cursed with the nick-name Super-delicious day after day. Congratulations and you have my sympathy.