Unlock your doors, finish your candy, put down those carving knives and stop watching horror movies, Horrorthon 2010 is officially closed! I’ve been delighted with the reviews and overall film choices this year. While some were a bit quieter this time around others moved in, put their feet on the coffee table and took over the joint as they regaled us with all the nasty murders, violence, torture, possession, ghosts, and pornography that this wonderful genre has to offer. Given that there are (presumably) many reviews yet to be written, I am not going to post anything but reviews for the month of November (so you’ll have to wait on all the news that wasn’t posted during October including a possible new Star Wars trilogy, an awesome Tron video, Avatar 2 and 3 news, new Captain America pictures, the title of the next Batman movie [*cough cough* The Dark Knight Rises], the next Star Trek villain, Spielberg’s next film ‘Robopocalypsene’, and the latest Hobbit information among other things). There have been over 200 reviews written so far and I’m predicting that there will be 100+ more in weeks to come. I can’t wait to see what you guys have been up to!
And now a word from JPX
Unlock your doors, finish your candy, put down those carving knives and stop watching horror movies, Horrorthon 2010 is officially closed! I’ve been delighted with the reviews and overall film choices this year. While some were a bit quieter this time around others moved in, put their feet on the coffee table and took over the joint as they regaled us with all the nasty murders, violence, torture, possession, ghosts, and pornography that this wonderful genre has to offer. Given that there are (presumably) many reviews yet to be written, I am not going to post anything but reviews for the month of November (so you’ll have to wait on all the news that wasn’t posted during October including a possible new Star Wars trilogy, an awesome Tron video, Avatar 2 and 3 news, new Captain America pictures, the title of the next Batman movie [*cough cough* The Dark Knight Rises], the next Star Trek villain, Spielberg’s next film ‘Robopocalypsene’, and the latest Hobbit information among other things). There have been over 200 reviews written so far and I’m predicting that there will be 100+ more in weeks to come. I can’t wait to see what you guys have been up to!