(1992) ***
Ash (Bruce Campbell) gets sucked into a time portal and dropped into the 13th/14th century. Although he's recognized as the one of the prophecy who will help against the evil deadites, King Arthur treats him as an enemy and gets thrown in a pit where his bad ass self starts kicking some evil butt.

Eventually our hero must be a hero and goes on a quest to acquire the Necronomicon and fights an army of dead in order to be returned to his own time. He battles himself, himself, himself, himself and many more himselfs.

He also battles many many skeletons, skeleton arms moved by cast members, stop-motion skeletons, and people in skeleton costume. Lots of skeletons, lots of battles. Lots of comedy.

I'm afraid of the response I'm gonna get for this, but man was I disappointed! I'd heard good things. I loved Evil Dead II. I instantly became a big Bruce Campbell fan, and god love him, he gives just as much in this movie as he did in Evil Dead II, but somehow it just didn't hit me right. Even while writing this summary, I can conceptualize all the good things in this movie, but I just didn't enjoy them while watching the movie. The one liners were mostly annoying, and the slapstick, while perfectly executed, went on just a little too long. Oh well. Maybe it will grow on me in the future? I mean, I did really like the "This is my boom stick" scene. Hell, I don't even understand why I wasn't in fits of laughter during Bruce Campbell vs himself and many mini-Bruces. Please don't hate me for my bored and disappointed feelings on this one. I promise, Evil Dead I is still on my to watch list.