'before' the big bang?

so while i was listening to the grand design audiobook, [doing my best imitation of that awful carrie bradshaw] i couldn't help but wonder -- can we find evidence of other universes or states beyond or 'before' the big bang?

it seems that sir roger penrose claims that he's found windows to a 'previous' universe in the form of ripples in the cosmic microwave background.

i put previous in quotes because ... well, i'm not sure if there can be a before before the beginning of time...?

i downloaded a PDF of his abstract, which 'posits the existence of an aeon preceding our big bang'... but obviously i have no hope of understanding any of it.

found at io9 which refers to the PDF at arxiv.

EDIT: it looks like not everyone is impressed with penrose's idea.
thanks to physicist jonathan shock for the link.