Best Actor 1998: Edward Norton in American History X

Edward Norton received his second Oscar nomination for portraying Neo Nazi Derek Vinyard in American History X.

American History X is a interesting and very effective film about racism, it is not quite perfect but it certainly is a strong effort.

The film is not in chronological order but I think it is possibly best to look at Edward Norton's in this way. His earliest moment then is as a teenager, before really be effected by anything, and very open to different people's ideas. His thought on his current teacher is heard by his father who than questions them, and eventually makes racist statements that affect Derek. Norton is appropriately naive and simple in this early scene and it is amazing how he really seems just a normal kid in this scene especially in contrast to the later moments of the film. His other moment as his younger self is a really outstanding moment of Norton's performance, in which he shows his sadness and anger at the death of his father. His emotions are completely honest here, making the transformation of the character realistic, and also making the character's racism something that is never a stereotypical.

Derek instantly becomes an integral member of a local groups of Neo-Nazi white supremacists. Norton terrific in a very chilling way in these scenes. He is oddly charismatic while he makes his racist remarks. Norton shows the right oddly misplaced passion in these scenes, that makes these scenes especially disconcerting. Norton shows that Derek is not a dumb guy really, and that even a smart person can simply be lead this way. Norton makes Derek's hatred very realistic and that is pivotal for the film. He never seems to be acting the racism but rather that it is simply part of Derek's world view.

Two scenes in particular are especially made very effective due to Norton. The first when he gets in to an argument with his family over his views, and fights with everyone. The strongest moment though is when he shows some regret to his mother and sister of the violent way he reacted. Norton correctly shows here that although Derek is a racist, he still yet is a human. The other scene though is his scene where he kill two black men who break into his car. Norton is chilling here showing Derek's hate in its purest form. His smile at the very end of the scene is especially darkly effecting. Norton shows the true hate in Derek's heart here in a stunning moment.

Derek is sent to prison after his murders, and meets up with other supremacists inside the prison. Norton performance here is essential to the film, and an extreme challenge. He at first still acts like he has before, but becomes disillusioned with his cohorts due to their lack of beliefs. He is then beaten and raped by them for leaving their group, and for befriending a black inmate. Norton transformation is simply outstanding as he acts his cocky self at the beginning of his prison, but starts to see his hate as pointless as incorrect. Derek's transformation is slow in his friendship with the black prisoner Lamont and Norton very carefully shows this change incredibly well, as he simply becomes a better person. He makes this part very truthful, and completely realistic, his transformation is made even more complete by his brutal rape though. Norton is exceptional as Derek has changed from the assailant to the victim, Derek shows a truly saddened man from his earlier actions, and hurt man from what has happened to him.

After getting out prison Derek has become just about completely reformed, now wishing to help his struggling family and set straight his Neo Nazi younger brother (Edward Furlong). Norton loses none of his strength as Derek is now a man who regrets his actions, and tries his best to rectify them. His portrait of Derek is honest and absolutely convincing as he confronts his brother and his former friends over their racism. He handles all of these scenes with the utmost power and poignancy. It is fascinating how Norton can make the transition from a chilling hate filled character to a honest good man. Such a transition is extreme but Norton absolutely pulls it off in this great performance, that even peaks in the final moments of the film as Derek faces one more final tragedy, Norton is truly heartbreaking at the final end. A performance rarely can be both completely chilling and heartbreaking, threatening then thoughtful, hateful yet also poignant, but Norton's is which makes this an outstanding show of acting.