Alain and Bénédicte Getty have everything going for them. Alain has just impressed his new boss with an innovative invention and the couple are settling in nicely in their beautiful new house. All is well until his boss Richard Pollock and his crazy wife Alice come over for dinner. They arrive very late and there is obvious tension between the couple. During dinner Alice exclaims that they were late because Richard was with one of his whores. She causes a big scene, insults Bénédicte and they leave. The next day at work Richard apologizes to Alain. That afternoon Alice shows up at the office and unsuccessfully comes on to Alain. She later shows up at his house while Bénédicte is home alone. She asks if she can lie down and is shown to a spare room where she proceeds to commit suicide. After this things begin to get strange in the Getty household. Bénédicte begins acting out of character and Alain is left to figure out the source of her sudden change.

Another successful Laurent Lucas film, I think I'm becoming a fan. Riddled with mystery and suspense. Well acted and intriguing. The French really do know how to get it right. Well, excluding some of the horrotica films that Whirly has been watching anyway. Lemming is a fascinating film.