ch6 - hallucinations

today marks five years of blogging for me.

this is my notebook and my outlet. it's the place where i collect things to think about. i post stuff i want to see, read and discuss, stuff i want to laugh, wonder and rant over.

if others want to have a peek, they're welcome.  feedback has been overwhelmingly positive -- i can count the negative on one hand... that is, if i can even remember it.

still, this isn't an important blog, or a widely read one.  it's just my personal speck on the internet.  last year i thought i was about to quit...  but it's become a habit, it seems.  i just might go for yet another year.

here's another installment of my tradition to quote a bit of each chapter from carl sagan's the demon-haunted world: science as a candle in the dark... this is from chapter 6:

'we would surely be missing something important about our own nature if we refused to face up to the fact that hallucinations are part of being human. however, none of this makes hallucinations part of an external rather than an internal reality.'
- carl sagan

♫♫♪♫happy blogversary to me.♫♪♫♪♪♫♫♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♪♪♫