Last night for FILM FRIDAY we did NOT watch PAUL, but we witnessed the film, Troll Hunter, as demanded by the husband of Jami Murphy aka Robert. This is a special film. BlairBitchProject meets insanity to the power of ridiculurum. A film crew sets out to follow a Troll Hunter and chaos ensues. If it was 40 mins, I would have liked it better. It was entertaining for a bit. More on - Next week will be PAUL for those interested. Maybe after that THE APPLE or HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN ;)

TROLLHUNTER: "Shot in a vérité style, THE TROLL HUNTER is the story of a group of Norwegian film students that set out to capture real-life trolls on camera after learning their existence has been covered up for years by a government conspiracy. A thrilling and wildly entertaining film, TROLLHUNTER delivers truly fantastic images of giant trolls wreaking havoc on the countryside, with darkly funny adherence to the original Norwegian folklore."