'Green Lantern' has lowest superhero opening of the summer, but is it too soon to call it a flop?

Is it just me or does the Green Lantern resemble Handsomestan in this picture?

From ew, There’s a number of theories as to why Green Lantern, the big screen treatment of the comic book hero, underperformed at the box office this weekend. The effects are too cheesy; the superhero, unlike Batman and Spider-Man before him, wasn’t as well known; or Ryan Reynolds, despite being a charming and likable star, wasn’t the right fit for the part.

While the film did finish first at the box office over Father’s Day weekend, it brought in a rather underwhelming $53.2 million — the movie had a reported budget of $200 million and other comic book films in recent years have fared better. The figure is widely considered a disappointment.

Not if you ask Warner Bros., though. “We’re very happy with it,” says Dan Fellman, head of the studio’s domestic distribution. Fellman cites the film’s “very respectable” CinemaScore of a “B,” and its healthy grosses on Father’s Day (the film took in $500,000 more on Sunday than early projections had indicated) as signs that the film had a stronger showing than media coverage suggests. “Rushing to judgment is easy to do,” he says, “especially when the movie is not well reviewed.”

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