'Midnight in Paris' is Woody Allen's highest-grossing film in 25 years

From usatoday, Midnight In Paris is moving into another world.

Woody Allen's dreamy look at Paris' artistic past has became his highest domestic grossing film in 25 years, according to a release from the film's distributor on Thursday. The film has grossed $23,330,859 to date, says Sony Pictures Classics.

The unusual art house film, which stars Owen Wilson as a romantic, American TV writer who time travels to meet some of the world's great literary writers and artists, has found a significant general audience since playing at the Cannes Film Festival and its May U.S. theatrical release.

The film also stars Rachel McAdams, Marion Cotillard and Kathy Bates.

The Hollywood Reporter notes that Midnight in Paris passed the $23.2 million mark grossed by Allen's films Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Match Point. Paris' new target will be to beat the $40.1 million earned by Allen's popular Hannah and Her Sisters, which came out in 1986.