I meant to post this
The list grows ever longer
So here it is now
Star Wars - Johnny Sweatpants
Christmas - JSP (Octopunk won SW, but forgot cuz of Christmas)
Abandoned Houses - Whirlygirl
Fanboys - JPX
Ninjas - HansomeStan
Superheroes - Octopunk
Zombies - Catfreeek
Original Star Trek - AC
Lord of the Rings - nowandzen
Video Games - HandsomeStan
80s Movies - JPX
Sitcoms - Catfreeek
Saturday Morning TV - DCD
Action Figures - HandsomeStan
The Future - 50PageMcGee
Heavy Metal - Johnny Sweatpants
Jiggle Television - Chris
Science - 50PageMcGee
Wizard of Oz - Octopunk
Swine Flu - Johnny Sweatpants
The Comic Strip - JPX
Armageddon - HandsomeStan
The Matrix - Octopunk
Guilty Pleasures - AC and Mr. AC
Candy - DCD
Child Actors - Julie
The Devil - Johnny Sweatpants
Chick Flicks - HandsomeStan
Toys - Catfreeek
Musicals - DCD
The Simpsons - Johnny Sweatpants
Horror Movies - Octopunk
Mental Illness - 50PageMcGee
The Mall and/or Teenagers - JPX
Rants - Johnny Sweatpants
Johnny Sweatpants - HandsomeStan
Drugs and Booze - Julie
UFOs and the Unexplained - HandsomeStan
Robots - Octopunk
The 7 Deadly Sins - Catfreeek
Pet Peeves - JPX
Ways to Die - Johnny Sweatpants
(Horrorthon hiatus)
Crap Jobs - HandsomeStan
Hair - Whirlygirl
High School - HandsomeStan
Things Our Parents Say - Whirlygirl
Pets - DCD
Driving - Octopunk