i believe facebook is buggy, inconsistent and untrustworthy -- still, it's great for keeping in touch with my friends, especially if they're abroad or from past activities and towns. it's also an important tool to connect with people who don't ordinarily rummage around the internet in general.
i find myself spending quite a bit of time on FB, often linking to interesting tidbits on my profile that i don't share on my blog, either because they're unrelated to my usual subject matter, or because i'm just feeling lazy.
if you'd like to follow my personal page, you can send me a message and, if i feel confident about the request, i'll add you. if you're interested in getting notices about my photography, you can like my helen sotiriadis photography page! i'm also on twitter, if that's your thing.
of course, there's also my new, improved website, which craves comments on my guestbook!
you can find even more ways to connect with me via the little square icons just under my profile image on the right sidebar (although, to be honest, i've pretty much given up on myspace).