wrong, wrong, wrong

pz myers' wrong, root and branch; wrong at every cell and molecule; wrong to the core.

'sure, everyone is laughing at harold camping now, except his followers, who are undeterred. but you're missing the real joke. look at every abrahamic religion, with their myths of prophets and favored peoples and fate. look at the crazy conservative church in your town, that preaches homophobia and anti-science and supports israel because of the armageddon prophecy. look at the liberal christian church down the street from you that has the nice vacation bible school and puts on happy plays for the older kids, and also teaches that one day you will stand before a great god and be judged. look at your family members who blithely believe in death as a mini-apocalypse, in which they will be magically translated into another realm, again to be judged.'

the entire piece, here.