Several Horrorthoners had the distinct pleasure of attending the epic union of Hawk (Handsome Stan) & his lovely bride Animal (Krista). The setting so elegant, flickering candles complemented by delicate flowers while the gentle sound of Star Wars music wafted through the air.

Stan's entrance was most regal as he proudly marched through an arc of light sabers. What an entrance!

He was followed by his most beautiful bride who descended from a long staircase looking quite stunning.

As the fantastically unique ceremony came to conclusion, the deal was sealed with a kiss. Then the party began.

We all loved the band. It was like being transported in time back to a day when Motown ruled the airways. Amazing!

Try as he may Stan was unable to stop the circulation of this adorable picture from his boyhood. Oh Stan, you know this one is going to come back to haunt you on this blog for many, many years, right.

As the night wound down several familiar faces gathered by the fire sharing drinks and conversation.

While a light saber wielding Stan heroically rescued his bride from some unknown force.

As Tony & I said our goodbyes we revisited a familiar scene. I came to the conclusion that while Stan may have been quite brave as he entered the life long contract of marriage, he's still frightened by Tony.