Best Actor 2008: Results

5. Brad Pitt in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Pitt's performance is a dull lifeless effort that does nothing to bring to life the strange premise of his character.
4. Sean Penn in Milk-Penn performance is always very actory, and always very hard to believe to me because of that. He never realizes a true character to me instead just a series of external mannerisms.
3. Frank Langella in Frost/Nixon-Like Penn Langella as well fails to really realize his character in any true fashion, and as well focuses far too much on his mannerisms, that are incorrect to Nixon anyway, which amount to a rather ineffective characterization.
2. Richard Jenkins in The Visitor- The only person who should have been nominated, but not win is Jenkins. It is not a big performance, or an amazing achievement, but Jenkins is most certainly very good in his portrait of a man who slowly finds some joy, and passion in his life.
1. Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler- Good prediction Dinasztie. This is one of my easiest choices very really, because Rourke is the only possibly choice for this year and this category. He stands far above the rest, in his deeply moving portrait of Randy The Ram Robinson. Rourke shows so much to his character both the positive and the negative, never playing a single moment falsely, despite taking many risks with his performance.
Deserving Performances:
Leonardo DiCaprio in Revolutionary Road
Brendan Gleeson in In Bruges
David Kross in The Reader