From toplessrobot, I hate Lumpy. About 98% of Star Wars fans hate Lumpy. He's Chewbacca's kid from the Holiday Special (and don't try to tell me that the Holiday Special was good, you hipsters, just because you enjoy it in an ironic way) and his only two responsibilities in it are to shriek at things and stare at things. If he were relegated to the abysmal TV show and forgotten about that would be fine, that would prove that God is forgiving, but he's appeared in more novels than Captain Nemo, Jason Bourne, and Jack Ryan combined. He's even had four names, Lumpawarrump (birth name), Lumpy (nickname), Lumpawaroo (adult name), and Waroo (nickname based off his adult name). Like nearly every character in the Star Wars universe, he's had to rescue Han Solo in the past.
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