Droid Froyo Fail - FRG22D on the way

I was away, traveling, in Philadelphia, a few hours from heading to Manhattan, last week, when I updated my Motorola Droid with the OTA (over the air) upgrade from 2.1 to the Froyo 2.2 OS. My phone rebooted and slowly but surely, problems arose.

I have been experience the screen behave as if sections of it are being triggered by a phantom touch, selecting various shortcuts and then when in applications, selecting various options... this leads to anything in the lower half, right side of any screen and any area on the top. It then triggers an up and down scrolling behavior. Now while I have had some scandalous Saturday late night evenings like this that are certainly welcomed, this is NOT!

Many folks are apparently reporting similar misdemeanors from their updates as well as other issues. I took my phone to a Verizon location in Mid-Town, NYC, where they decided to factory reset my phone. This did not help much, however, it was interesting to note that all apps, and some settings are automatically downloaded and restored!

When I returned to Philadelphia, before my flight to Las Vegas, this past Monday, I took the phone to Verizon, who instead of wanting to remedy, said they would ship a phone to me by Wednesday, which came and went today with NOTHING!!! I was home all day, working with a client in the studio, and yes, I can hear a ring from the gate or a knock at the door.

In the interim, I read about FRG22D, an update which, besides fixing security issues and adding the flash player support, addresses bug issues, hopefully this one!!! This has been reportedly launched to phones as of yesterday, so we shall see.

Here are more details as posted on phandroid.com http://bit.ly/cUJKbP

I am wishing for this update soon as I have one of the first versions of the droid as my hardware, slide-out qwerty keyboard is beveled unlike the common flat and stiff keyboard that most folks have. Anyhow, below is a humorous note on the update! Enjoy!

Originally Posted by dcreed on AndroidCentral
So it was yesterday that FRG22D was supposed to start rolling out.

As reported in another thread, I speculated that this will first be hand delivered by Verizon to a select few users. I believe, however, I was wrong about the delivery method. Documents leaked by Verizon, Google, and Motorola shed some light on this secret process and explain the process that can't really be discussed without the word "cluster" somewhere therein.

FRG22D is a hand-crafted, artisan release using time-honored traditions handed down from generation to generation in secret ceremonies. Through hidden video cameras Geraldo Rivera has recorded brief excerpts of the rite involving blessed Mountain Dew, VP-sanctified non-vegetarian pizza, and LED candles.

Each file is individually tailored to the user and phone in question.

The releases will be extensively tested by drunken, slightly depressed former bond-traders with very large fingers and poor social skills.

After making it through the QA cycle, each file is checked in, burned to 3.5" floppy (not the 5.25" as previously reported), gift-wrapped in foil-based paper of a color chosen to complement the user's phone case, and then be-ribboned and bowed by Fifi Hotspot, VP of Distribution.

Each diskette will then be delivered by GPS-implanted lemurs and marmosets. It is recommended that you tip them with aged brie upon receipt.

With all of this in mind, please understand if you don't get FRG22D right away.