
From worstpreviews, Now that Robert Rodriguez is getting ready to release "Machete" in theaters and Jason Eisener is in post-production on "Hobo With a Shotgun," Eli Roth (Hostel) has become more serious about filming "Thanksgiving," another big screen version of a faux "Grindhouse" trailer.

During "The Last Exorcism" press junket, Roth told CinemaBlend: "I've been working on the script with my co-writer, Jeff Rendell, who plays the pilgrim in the trailer. But Jeff has been working. I said that his deal is he has to work on the script while I'm promoting 'The Last Exorcism,' and as soon as I'm done in mid-September he's going to fly to California, we're going to sit down, and bang out the script."

"Thanksgiving" movie has always been part of a package that includes Roth's PG-13 monster sci-fi thriller called "Endangered Species." The goal was to get $85 million in funding for both films together.