From iwatchstuff, Following through on their promise to, for better or worse, bring more obscure comic heroes to screens, Marvel has begun development on a film about the aptly-named, strong-knuckled superhero Iron Fist. The studio's first step in an awful direction? Hiring xXx writer Rich Wilkes to start on a screenplay. Sounds like it's time to put Iron Fist on a snowboard!
For those who never collected his Marvel Universe card, Iron Fist is a '70s-created hero who has kung fu skills and super-tough fists he uses to punch shit so hard, but is still mostly known for his longtime insistence on wearing a ridiculously high-collared, down-to-the-pubes-V-necked bodysuit. Being that a film version of Fist's frequent teammate, Luke Cage, has also been talked about for some time, I'd say Marvel is likely hoping to eventually put the two on one poster--maybe a super-sweet lightning bolt separating their intense faces? It's all about synergy, man. And lightning bolts.