'Iron Fist' Movie Happening, Script Promises Same Poetry as 'xXx'

From iwatchstuff, Following through on their promise to, for better or worse, bring more obscure comic heroes to screens, Marvel has begun development on a film about the aptly-named, strong-knuckled superhero Iron Fist. The studio's first step in an awful direction? Hiring xXx writer Rich Wilkes to start on a screenplay. Sounds like it's time to put Iron Fist on a snowboard!

For those who never collected his Marvel Universe card, Iron Fist is a '70s-created hero who has kung fu skills and super-tough fists he uses to punch shit so hard, but is still mostly known for his longtime insistence on wearing a ridiculously high-collared, down-to-the-pubes-V-necked bodysuit. Being that a film version of Fist's frequent teammate, Luke Cage, has also been talked about for some time, I'd say Marvel is likely hoping to eventually put the two on one poster--maybe a super-sweet lightning bolt separating their intense faces? It's all about synergy, man. And lightning bolts.