I am entering another Lego-building contest for the only reason there is -- to win more Legos. The contest is to make a bounty hunter and his spaceship, ostensibly for the Star Wars universe. Behold the Subacor! It's not finished. I have to bang out some details and post it by tomorrow night.

I will of course take better pictures than these iPhone pix, but I thought the blog could use some action this morning. (Yes, I brought it to the office with me. When I build a Lego thing I kind of have a crush on it and want to be around it all the time. Plus, looking at it helps me think about what to add next.)
The contest is decided by the votes of the other members of the fbtb.net, the Star Wars Lego fansite that's hosting it (fbtb = From Bricks to Bothans). The voting will be held as a series of head-to-head battles between the bounty hunters. I'll post links when it's all under way.
* Sorry, but nobody can vote for me unless they were a site member before the contest was announced. I think that's right, anyway. It's the kind of thing they do.
** Saying "Legos" is officially incorrect, the proper term being "Lego bricks." But sometimes I don't want to sound like a tool.
*** It's pronounced SOOB-e-kor. Is that how you thought it was pronounced? Other pronounciations might be uncool.