"Premakes" The Avengers (1952)
Remember Ivan Guerrero, the guy who keeps making those awesome "pre-makes" -- versions of what comic book movies would've looked like the the '30s, '40s and '50s? Well, he's at it again with this amazing trailer for an Avengers movie. His editing is genius as always, but his biggest talent may be in finding the uncannily perfect old movie footage to make these things. As an MST3K fan, I actually recognize a few -- Commander Cody as Iron Man, the Amazing Colossal Man as Giant Man -- and of course that's the lovely Emma Peel as the Black Widow -- but Guerrero put 18 Marvel characters in there, and I won't spoil them all for you. Suffice to say, if you want the answer, check out this frame-by-frame look at the trailer, where Guerrero explains who/what/why/and where from.