Happy Birthday, JPX!

Yes, that's right. Our resident Horrorthon co-founder and blog guru JPX is turning (cough cough cough) this very day!

As an extremely old person, JPX won't understand your birthday wishes if you send them via Facebook or Twitter. This will just cause him to angrily bang the top of his TV -- despite the fact that it's in a different room from his computer and is currently turned off -- and then he'll inflict that extra irritation on the kids he yells at for being on his lawn. So do his TV and those kids a favor and slap some birthday wishes in a comment here on the blog. And don't worry! JPX can navigate the blog quite well, as some time ago I replaced his standard mouse & trackpad interface with a series of clunky, Frankenstein-lab-style levers that he can understand.

Happy birthday, you old basterd! Get yourself a toy!