Last night I was leaving the patio, when I almost ran smack into this thing. It came into focus when it was dangling about an inch in front of my nose, and I totally freaked. It was very, very close to being on my face. Really a bad scene. Jeff snapped some photos of it and everyone who saw it agreed that it was no ordinary spider. I think it was a bit larger than an inch across and just creepy as all hell.
Monster on the beach
Last night I was leaving the patio, when I almost ran smack into this thing. It came into focus when it was dangling about an inch in front of my nose, and I totally freaked. It was very, very close to being on my face. Really a bad scene. Jeff snapped some photos of it and everyone who saw it agreed that it was no ordinary spider. I think it was a bit larger than an inch across and just creepy as all hell.