From avclub, Hey, remember last week when we reported that Weezer's new album would be called Hurley and joked that it could just have a picture of Lost actor Jorge Garcia on the cover? Ha ha. Funny right? Well, Spinner has revealed the art and it seems that joke was pretty close to the truth. Take a look:
You might be asking "Why?" Well, here's Rivers Cuomo, speaking to Spinner:
"I was coming up with all kinds of stuff, but ultimately, we just went with some random word that doesn't really have anything to do with anything. I just loved this photo of Jorge Garcia -- it just had this amazing vibe. We didn't want to do a fourth self-titled record and we knew people would refer to it as 'the Hurley record' even if left it without that title, so we just called it 'Hurley.' No words are on the cover because all we wanted was his amazing face."