i was baptized, but i'm not a christian.
i've attempted to (loosely) translate the original image from the website (please don't shoot the translator):

the article goes on to quote figures that signify a drop in religiosity as compared to 2008:
- for the question, do you believe in the resurrection of the dead? the drop was about 10 points (yay!):
yes / probably:
2008: 51.3%
2011: 41.8%
no / probably not: 48.1%
don't know/no answer: 10.1%
- for the question, what is easter?, the answers were:
a period of greek humility: 36.0%
opportunity to attend church: 11.1%
a return to tradition: 42.5%
vacation, rest: 39.9%
an opportunity to visit my family: 15.1%
an opportunity to visit my home: 11.9%
- for the question, what do you expect from the church?, and given the ability to add multiple answers, the expected priorities are:
solidarity for the poor: 54.6%
protection for the poor: 40.9%
protection for the weak: 32.3%
spiritual support in important moments in life: 18.2%
support for the family: 18.2%
spread the word of christ 13.9%
dialogue between different cultures and religions: 10.8%
reinforcement of social peace: 7.3%
reform of greek society: 5.0%
humanization of capitalism: 4.1%
- given the more vague question, do you believe in god?, the results were:
yes: 56.3%
probably: 20.0%
no: 13.0%
probably not: 7.7%
don't know / no answer 3.1%
.... although i suspect that few people want to actually admit that they do not.