richard dawkins in melbourne, march 2010

at the global atheist convention

an impressive appearance... but i was especially floored by this exchange at the Q&A:

Q: when do you think we will be able to criticize islam without threatening our very existence?

A:  on the face of it, it's a remarkably effective tactic -- isn't it -- to say, ok, i've lost the argument; therefore, if you try to argue against me, i'll cut your head off.  it's really an admission of defeat. i am not one of those who thinks that we should go out of our way to insult islam recklessly or foolishly because it doesn't do any good to get your head cut off. what we should say is something like this: i may give way to you, i may refrain from -- what should we say -- publishing a cartoon of your prophet, but it's because i fear you. don't for one moment think it's because i respect you.