This week's hump-day winning entry was actually an ensemble effort. The prize goes to AC -- but I have to give additional credit to Octo and JSP for the peanut-gallery hurdles they threw in AC's way.
It started off with a simple query by AC:
"great topic, but can we comment anonymously? i'm not sure i want my true-life junk stories to be linked to my blog identity! unlike the admirable 50p, i don't have the sack for that level of self-disclosure."
Her double entendre use of the word "sack" makes this a viable FWW entry, even though she wasn't intending it to be so.
Octo replies:
As ad-hoc presenter, I say yes!
AC's official winner came next, anonymously:
I screw my patients
It's a psychologist perk
And good therapy
Great entry just based on its merits as haiku, but the transparency of immediately going "anonymous," while flagrantly identifying herself as one of the three licensed therapists at Horrorthon, puts this on the level of transcendent brilliance.
JSP put the cherry on top by completely blowing AC's cover with the very next post.
This wasn't just free-writing, it was performance art -- and with audience participation. Whatever. It was my favorite part of the thread and it happened immediately.
Honorable mention for this one from Stan:
Misleading title
Neither word applicable
Stupid Naked Lunch
You could almost imagine Stan sitting there thinking, "Shit. No nudity? Oh well, at least there's lunch...Oh, come *on* now!"
Dis-honorable mention goes to JSP and Freeek for reminding us how grody it is when people don't trim their pubes. Won't be reprinting either one here because they're both grody.
...so how long was Octo stuck in DCD's car with his tunk hanging out?