paula kirby: religion lies about women

at the washington post's on faith.

'religion is one lie after another: the lie of original sin, the lie of eternal life, the lie of hell, the lie of answered prayer, the lie that life can have no meaning without religion, the lie that religion is the source of morality, the lie of creationism, the lie of a spy-in-the-sky who hears your every word and reads your every thought. and to this list we must add the lie that it views men and women as equal. it has got away for so long with the kind of lunatic word-games that allow death-by-torture to be presented as an act of love, and eternal torment in the flames of hell to be seen as a necessary act of justice, that we should perhaps not be surprised that it has also managed to dupe its followers into seeing the systematic suppression and silencing of women as an act of liberation and equality. nevertheless, it is a lie, like all the others: a cynical and wicked lie. it is time women everywhere woke up to it.'

the full piece here.