Catfreeek's 2009 Wrap Up

I thought watching & reviewing all those movies was a task. Trying to sift through them all and pick out a few favorites is a labor all in itself. Here's my 2009 bests.
Best All Around Film:
Let The Right One In
Visually Stunning & Artistic:
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Hidden Gem:
Fear(s) of the Dark
Most Disturbing:
This had to go to 2 films for me.
Hands down this is the most disturbing horror I've ever watched.
Dead Girl
However, this film left me with such an icky feeling it deserves an honorable mention.
Best Zombies:
Dead Snow
Just Plain Weird:
Unholy Women
Best Pipe in the Ass:
Scream Stud:
Pablo Parés - Plaga Zombie: Mutant Zone
Any guy who is covered head to toe in shit & blood and still looks good gets my vote.
Funniest Film:
Most Bizarre Film I've Ever Seen:
Executive Koala
So Bad It's Good:

Visually Stunning & Artistic:

Hidden Gem:

Most Disturbing:
This had to go to 2 films for me.

Hands down this is the most disturbing horror I've ever watched.

However, this film left me with such an icky feeling it deserves an honorable mention.
Best Zombies:

Just Plain Weird:

Best Pipe in the Ass:

Scream Stud:

Any guy who is covered head to toe in shit & blood and still looks good gets my vote.
Funniest Film:

Most Bizarre Film I've Ever Seen:

So Bad It's Good:

my picture's on flickr blog
my picture, mars and the brightest full moon 2010 observe athens is being featured on the flickr blog!
Catfreeek's 2008 Wrap Up
So it's taken me over a year to get motivated to do a wrap up for 2008. There are just so many on that list, it's intimidating. I even ignored JSP's constant prodding and kept putting it off. As I sat here today doing virtually nothing because it's too cold out I thought that maybe it was time. So here goes nothing.
Biggest Blood Bath & Most Disturbing:
Mad woman with scissors.
Most Obscure:
Fausto 5.0
An unexpected discovery.
Mr. Vampire
Hopping Vampires.
Worst Original Idea Ever:
Speaks for itself.
Best Drive-in Movie:
Mansion of the Doomed
Basement full of people with empty eye sockets. Need I say more?
Most Twisted:
I loved this film in all it's twisted glory.
Most Beautifully Shot & Artsy:
A work of art.

Mad woman with scissors.
Most Obscure:

An unexpected discovery.

Hopping Vampires.
Worst Original Idea Ever:

Speaks for itself.
Best Drive-in Movie:

Basement full of people with empty eye sockets. Need I say more?
Most Twisted:

I loved this film in all it's twisted glory.
Most Beautifully Shot & Artsy:

A work of art.
Sickest FX:
Scream Queen & Scream Stud:
mars and the brightest full moon 2010 observe athens
edit: wooohoooo! this is on the flickr blog!
i arrived home tenthirtyish and looked up at the moon -- i saw a reddish-orange star next to it and wondered if mars was so close to the moon, as i'd been aware that the red planet is exceptionally close to the earth these days.

click any image
neil degrasse tyson's tweet clinched it -- the moon and mars were, indeed, close, and both exactly opposite the sun, so very, very full. i got out my little white, set the tripod on the balcony, connected the camera to the computer, launched EOS utility and shot a few.

a long exposure
i tried a long exposure and got quite a cool effect and a lovely halo on the moving clouds. fast shutter speeds intensified the clouds' haunting shapes and framed the moon nicely.
i had to take two separate exposures for this shot as the full moon is an unusually bright object -- so the slow image got the clouds and mars, the fast one, the face of our satellite.

more clouds
later, the sky cleared up and i got a minimalist image of the pair.

the sky cleared up just before dawn
i stayed up till moonset and slept all morning today.
btw, have you seen the xkcd webcomic about rover? so sad... rover did a very good job. i hope we recover it someday.
i arrived home tenthirtyish and looked up at the moon -- i saw a reddish-orange star next to it and wondered if mars was so close to the moon, as i'd been aware that the red planet is exceptionally close to the earth these days.
click any image
neil degrasse tyson's tweet clinched it -- the moon and mars were, indeed, close, and both exactly opposite the sun, so very, very full. i got out my little white, set the tripod on the balcony, connected the camera to the computer, launched EOS utility and shot a few.
a long exposure
i tried a long exposure and got quite a cool effect and a lovely halo on the moving clouds. fast shutter speeds intensified the clouds' haunting shapes and framed the moon nicely.
i had to take two separate exposures for this shot as the full moon is an unusually bright object -- so the slow image got the clouds and mars, the fast one, the face of our satellite.
more clouds
later, the sky cleared up and i got a minimalist image of the pair.
the sky cleared up just before dawn
i stayed up till moonset and slept all morning today.
btw, have you seen the xkcd webcomic about rover? so sad... rover did a very good job. i hope we recover it someday.
HHD Champion:

I know, I know - Again. After I joked about doing it last time. First Ever Back-To-Back Victories. I agonized over doing it, because there seemed to be an unspoken rule against it. But dammit, I had to do it. Her stuff this week was inspired, dramatic, hilarious and also somewhat disturbing. She really painted a breathtaking picture of her high school experience. Suspensions, molestations, a jaw-dropping collection of teachers ("stiff" gym teacher, bestial art teacher, and that's just scratching the surface...). Overall, I was incredibly impressed. A+++.
Here's the crown jewel, the one with everything: humor, imagery, poetry, implication, and that ineffable ability to have 17 syllables tell an entire story:
She picked out her pet
Handsome dear, get me coffee
All the boys ran…ran
(It's the repetition of "ran" at the end that really says so much more about what's going on. I assume it referred to the music teacher from the prior haiku, and I love how it implies so much about what the boys would do. It reminds me of the Far Side cartoon with the deer hunter hiding behind the tree near the deer outhouse: "Hank knew the spot well; he only had to wait. The deer would come, the deer would come."
Class was sparsely attended, (I second-guessed the topic to death) but those in class had some genius stuff that made it a very enjoyable day, and a difficult choice. Witness:
Because of Jimmy
I had braces for 3 years
I hope he's dead now
(My early favorite to take it all. Hysterical.)
AC -
in 11th grade
listened to "the wall" nightly
retained THOSE lessons
(Mmmm hmmmm. Hear where you're comin' from.)
Seventh grade crisis
Tim Jones stole my ham sandwich
I will get revenge
(The amount of material this one petty act has generated is staggering. Tim Jones And The Sandwich could be a weekly topic.)
Mr. MacGregor
Once stood on a chair for height
Just to yell at me
(GREAT image. Especially the thought of him going to get the chair, moving it into position, while you wait and watch. Priceless.)
It's hard to look tough
After ten minutes on ground
Clutching and mewling
(When you really think about it, it's very true.)
Landshark: (always good to see you)
Hairy sweaty arm
Holding my cherished delights
Come to me gagger
Harley Davidson
Intimidating machine
Get out of my way
(I know these weren't strictly "for" this week's topic, but nevertheless I almost made them the winners. I could NOT stop from hearing Mr. Baker actually doing a reading of both of them. The first one in particular, the last line - MR BAKER: "...come to me...(pause, look up at class, take glasses off)...gagger." I did a video in high school centered around Mr. Baker (played with hypnotic accuracy by one Seth Milman.) Both of these are GREAT haikus, but the Baker element makes them truly, truly special.)
JSP, see me after class.
Well done, everyone! Sorry for the late, sparse post but work has been monstrous this week.
Congratulations again, Whirly! Horrorthon's first Back-To-Back Champion!
Wall Street 2

From iwatchstuff, This is just the kind of photograph I want hanging in my office, if I ever have an office, and if I ever have a mentor or protégé willing to stand/sit beside me for a professional photo that conveys what an air of dignity we have in this office since I've been working there.
[JPX] And just for the heck of it, here's the trailer,
Holy Carp! It was 50PageMcGee's birthday YESTERDAY (Wednesday)
Thanks to Herr Pants for the intimate Gretchen moment. Johnny, that is.

The fate of mankind is in the hands of a fallen archangel, a baby and a bunch of yahoos holed up in a New Mexican diner together. - Should have been the tagline
I knew precious little about this movie going into it. One glance at the poster and naturally I assumed the story involved a homosexual angel searching for a good time but ultimately finding true love. So I was quite pleased to discover that my friend had in fact selected an apocalyptic last-stand Night of the Living Dead style shoot-em-up for movie night. First let me get this out of the way; Legion is a spectacular failure of a film. It systematically squanders every good idea in the script. The number of inconsistencies, plot holes and unanswered questions rival only those in the Bible itself. The characters are mostly insufferable. Rather than focusing on the part of the story that actually interests the audience – the events that inspired God’s decision to slaughter the entire human race – first time director Scott Stewart tortures his audience with character buildup that goes nowhere and the exploration of the relationships of the rag tag fools. I yearned for a boardroom scene in which God weighed the pros and cons of genocide. Instead I spent most of my time with World’s Bitchiest Mom, Generic Waitress, Annoying Black Guy, Nice Black Guy, Boring Guy, Snotty Girl and a couple of other clowns. Throw in a guy named Jeep (I shit you not), some subtle pro-life proselytizing and you’ve got yourself an abomination for the ages, right?
Nuh-uh! For reasons I can’t really defend, I found Legion highly enjoyable. First of all, I’m a well documented sucker for religious horror films. Satan movies are generally a reliable bundle of joy but I found the notion of the angry, vengeful God possibly even more appealing. After all, the whimsical, egomaniacal, petty, sadistic, unreasonable, vengeful prick of the Old Testament is rarely depicted on film. Instead we’re usually served that nice bearded fella or George Fucking Burns. (If you made the mistake of clicking on that link then congratulations - you’ve just witnessed the graphic rape and murder of a Beatles classic!)
Anyway, what did the humans do to deserve extinction? The best answer provided (during the opening AND closing credits mind you) is that the Creator was “sick of all the bullshit, I guess”. Alright then. Why are the demons or zombies or whatever the hell they are virtually invulnerable in one scene but easily killable in the next? (Shrugs.) Why is the baby of a white trash chain-smoker so significant? Fucked if I know. What I do know is that Legion took the same winning formula of Dawn of the Dead, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Mist and countless others, put a sloppy but intriguing spin on it and well, it held my attention.

The fate of mankind is in the hands of a fallen archangel, a baby and a bunch of yahoos holed up in a New Mexican diner together. - Should have been the tagline
I knew precious little about this movie going into it. One glance at the poster and naturally I assumed the story involved a homosexual angel searching for a good time but ultimately finding true love. So I was quite pleased to discover that my friend had in fact selected an apocalyptic last-stand Night of the Living Dead style shoot-em-up for movie night. First let me get this out of the way; Legion is a spectacular failure of a film. It systematically squanders every good idea in the script. The number of inconsistencies, plot holes and unanswered questions rival only those in the Bible itself. The characters are mostly insufferable. Rather than focusing on the part of the story that actually interests the audience – the events that inspired God’s decision to slaughter the entire human race – first time director Scott Stewart tortures his audience with character buildup that goes nowhere and the exploration of the relationships of the rag tag fools. I yearned for a boardroom scene in which God weighed the pros and cons of genocide. Instead I spent most of my time with World’s Bitchiest Mom, Generic Waitress, Annoying Black Guy, Nice Black Guy, Boring Guy, Snotty Girl and a couple of other clowns. Throw in a guy named Jeep (I shit you not), some subtle pro-life proselytizing and you’ve got yourself an abomination for the ages, right?
Nuh-uh! For reasons I can’t really defend, I found Legion highly enjoyable. First of all, I’m a well documented sucker for religious horror films. Satan movies are generally a reliable bundle of joy but I found the notion of the angry, vengeful God possibly even more appealing. After all, the whimsical, egomaniacal, petty, sadistic, unreasonable, vengeful prick of the Old Testament is rarely depicted on film. Instead we’re usually served that nice bearded fella or George Fucking Burns. (If you made the mistake of clicking on that link then congratulations - you’ve just witnessed the graphic rape and murder of a Beatles classic!)
Anyway, what did the humans do to deserve extinction? The best answer provided (during the opening AND closing credits mind you) is that the Creator was “sick of all the bullshit, I guess”. Alright then. Why are the demons or zombies or whatever the hell they are virtually invulnerable in one scene but easily killable in the next? (Shrugs.) Why is the baby of a white trash chain-smoker so significant? Fucked if I know. What I do know is that Legion took the same winning formula of Dawn of the Dead, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Mist and countless others, put a sloppy but intriguing spin on it and well, it held my attention.
R.I.P. Miramax

From iwatchstuff, After 31 years of operation, Miramax, the Weinstein-founded company known for its independent spirit, is closing the doors on its New York and LA offices today, officially killing the company. The closure will put 80 people out of their jobs, and your Pulp Fiction and Clerks DVDs will stop working by the end of the week. Truly, the end of an era, and of course it happens the day after I finish writing a film with lot of really clever dialogue that may be too edgy for mainstream audiences.
R.I.P. J.D. Salinger

J.D. Salinger, the American author of The Catcher in the Rye who was once described as “the Greta Garbo of literature,” died yesterday of natural causes at his home in Cornish, New Hampshire. He was 91.
The celebrated author chose to spend the last half-century of his life in virtual seclusion, guarding his privacy with such fervor that he only succeeded in fanning the flames of public curiosity. As Paul Alexander put it in his book Salinger: A Biography, “He became famous for wanting not to be famous.” But of course, Salinger’s main claim to fame has always been as the man who wrote The Catcher in the Rye.
Read all about him here
'Poltergeist' actress Zelda Rubinstein dies at 76

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Zelda Rubinstein, the 4-foot-3-inch character actor best known as Tangina, the psychic who tries to calm a family inhabiting a haunted house in the 1982 horror film Poltergeist, has died. She was 76.
Her agent, Eric Stevens, tells the Los Angeles Times that Rubenstein died Wednesday at a Los Angeles hospital. Stevens says she recently suffered a heart attack.
Rubenstein made her film debut in the 1981 comedy Under the Rainbow and went on to roles in Sixteen Candles, Southland Tales and the TV show Picket Fences. She returned for both Poltergeist sequels.
The Pittsburgh native also appeared as the mother figure in a high-profile mid-1980s AIDS public awareness campaign and was an outspoken activist for the rights of little people.
Haiku Hump Day: HIGH SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE, or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Thought Of Bombing My Teacher’s House
For some reason, I’ve been on a very philosophical, existential kick at work lately. Maybe it’s the conditions, maybe it’s the heightened clarity brought on by my recent ranting about Crap Jobs, but I find myself growing increasingly amazed that, as Cinderella (the band, not the Disney floozie) once said, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Winners of Best Transvestite Philosophy Award of 1987

*hoarse growl* - “MY GYPSY ROAD…CAN’T TAKE ME HOME!!!”
What it is seems to be is, as Nietschze once said, “aah-CHOOOOOO!!”
Sorry, that was just Nietschze sneezing. Disregard.
What it seems to be is an amazing parallel that runs deeper than just casual observations about surface similarities between our childhood, adolescent and adult lives. It is the fact that we will ALWAYS make the same choices based on who we are, and what our environment and upbringing has made us do, regardless of so-called “education.” We will always retain the same type of random information that we WANT to retain, regardless of quality or quantity of said information being provided. You can tell me all about how this particular cardboard box was manufactured and shipped from Poughkeepsie, NY to Odor Creek, OK in order to hold nothing but nails, but the fact is, 10 years later, the only thing I’ll remember is that the driver of the truck listened to Cinderella the whole way there. This is getting too deterministic and philosophical. And now for something completely different:

The name of this incredibly awesome tag team was almost the topic this week, but then I thought, “It’s just too soon.”
Anyway, after that rambling, incoherent intro, which I hope I have succeeded in making everyone in the room dumber for having read it (THERE’S that elusive narrative thread, buried within an Adam Sandler reference…whew), (which reminds me of a few high school teachers I had), (holy crap! TRIPLE parentheticals, spaced by commas, punctuated within!), *MrsX slap-on-the-head*

Sorry. After that rambling, incoherent intro, I wanted to stress that this week’s topic actually is Things I Really And Truly Learned In High School. Or college. Or grade school. For instance, after all the nonsense and the papers and the doodles I went through (I kept my high school notebooks for the doodles alone – okay, no more parenthetical references), I marvel at the randomness of the actual knowledge I remember retaining solely from high school classes. WITNESS:
- Macbeth is pretty damn good, as is all Shakespeare, if you REALLY take the time. The deeper you go, the better it gets.
- Force equals Mass times Distance. Pretty godamned effective when you think about it.
- The Civil War was not actually about slavery, but was moreso a perfect storm of societal, economic and territorial frustrations coming to a head at the perfect adolescent point after the birth of a nation (but on the test, just select (b) Slavery).
- In that same class, I learned how to build a nationwide railroad.
- Michael Crichton’s name is actually pronounced CRY-ton, not “CRITCH-ton,” like it’s fucking spelled. But it doesn’t matter because he’s dead.
- "Diner" is actually a pretty damn good movie, despite the Guttenberg.
- The popular, beautiful, rich people will always make slaves of the homely, hardworking masses. In ANY hierarchy, not just high school.
- Give me some clay and a kiln, and I’ll give you a wrestling figure.
- Sewing is hard as crap.
- Homework, as a concept, totally sucks, has always sucked, and will always suck.
That last one is what kind of brings us full circle. Or at least, it brings ME full circle, which is to say brings everybody else full Mobius-strip, or full Rocky-Point-Corkscrew. After a 14-hour day, sometimes after enduring gale-force winds and rain, just like this past Monday, I STILL have to come home and do an hour and a half to two hours of work to prepare not for tomorrow, but the next day, as the requirements of the Key 2nd AD entail. I have to show up for work tomorrow having already prepped the FOLLOWING day, and spend the entire day cross-checking information with 10 different departments. And it totally, totally sucks. 20 years later, I STILL have fucking homework. And I don’t retain a BIT of it. For the record, as I craft this intro, I am sacrificing my “homework time” in favor of getting up early and scrambling to prep at 6am Wednesday. To have a HHD post. Because that’s just the kind of blogger I am.
I can feel I’m on the verge of another disjointed diatribe, so I’ll only ask you all this –
What did you REALLY learn in high school? And as an adjunct, Has it helped you at all?
No cutting class today, people. Although as a subcategory, I’ll take “Amusing Hall-Pass Haikus That Get Me Out Of This Whack-Ass Topic.” But you need at least 5 to be excused.
I’m sure you’ve all seen the following, as they made the email circuit a few years ago, but here’s some real-life test answers penned by actual students, and I only wish I’d had the presence of mind to do some shit like this. Bantha fodder for inspiration (and I hope the quality is clear enough. If you can’t read ‘em, go here for these plus more hilarious essays and stuff):

Winners of Best Transvestite Philosophy Award of 1987
*hoarse growl* - “MY GYPSY ROAD…CAN’T TAKE ME HOME!!!”
What it is seems to be is, as Nietschze once said, “aah-CHOOOOOO!!”
Sorry, that was just Nietschze sneezing. Disregard.
What it seems to be is an amazing parallel that runs deeper than just casual observations about surface similarities between our childhood, adolescent and adult lives. It is the fact that we will ALWAYS make the same choices based on who we are, and what our environment and upbringing has made us do, regardless of so-called “education.” We will always retain the same type of random information that we WANT to retain, regardless of quality or quantity of said information being provided. You can tell me all about how this particular cardboard box was manufactured and shipped from Poughkeepsie, NY to Odor Creek, OK in order to hold nothing but nails, but the fact is, 10 years later, the only thing I’ll remember is that the driver of the truck listened to Cinderella the whole way there. This is getting too deterministic and philosophical. And now for something completely different:
The name of this incredibly awesome tag team was almost the topic this week, but then I thought, “It’s just too soon.”
Anyway, after that rambling, incoherent intro, which I hope I have succeeded in making everyone in the room dumber for having read it (THERE’S that elusive narrative thread, buried within an Adam Sandler reference…whew), (which reminds me of a few high school teachers I had), (holy crap! TRIPLE parentheticals, spaced by commas, punctuated within!), *MrsX slap-on-the-head*
Sorry. After that rambling, incoherent intro, I wanted to stress that this week’s topic actually is Things I Really And Truly Learned In High School. Or college. Or grade school. For instance, after all the nonsense and the papers and the doodles I went through (I kept my high school notebooks for the doodles alone – okay, no more parenthetical references), I marvel at the randomness of the actual knowledge I remember retaining solely from high school classes. WITNESS:
- Macbeth is pretty damn good, as is all Shakespeare, if you REALLY take the time. The deeper you go, the better it gets.
- Force equals Mass times Distance. Pretty godamned effective when you think about it.
- The Civil War was not actually about slavery, but was moreso a perfect storm of societal, economic and territorial frustrations coming to a head at the perfect adolescent point after the birth of a nation (but on the test, just select (b) Slavery).
- In that same class, I learned how to build a nationwide railroad.
- Michael Crichton’s name is actually pronounced CRY-ton, not “CRITCH-ton,” like it’s fucking spelled. But it doesn’t matter because he’s dead.
- "Diner" is actually a pretty damn good movie, despite the Guttenberg.
- The popular, beautiful, rich people will always make slaves of the homely, hardworking masses. In ANY hierarchy, not just high school.
- Give me some clay and a kiln, and I’ll give you a wrestling figure.
- Sewing is hard as crap.
- Homework, as a concept, totally sucks, has always sucked, and will always suck.
That last one is what kind of brings us full circle. Or at least, it brings ME full circle, which is to say brings everybody else full Mobius-strip, or full Rocky-Point-Corkscrew. After a 14-hour day, sometimes after enduring gale-force winds and rain, just like this past Monday, I STILL have to come home and do an hour and a half to two hours of work to prepare not for tomorrow, but the next day, as the requirements of the Key 2nd AD entail. I have to show up for work tomorrow having already prepped the FOLLOWING day, and spend the entire day cross-checking information with 10 different departments. And it totally, totally sucks. 20 years later, I STILL have fucking homework. And I don’t retain a BIT of it. For the record, as I craft this intro, I am sacrificing my “homework time” in favor of getting up early and scrambling to prep at 6am Wednesday. To have a HHD post. Because that’s just the kind of blogger I am.
I can feel I’m on the verge of another disjointed diatribe, so I’ll only ask you all this –
What did you REALLY learn in high school? And as an adjunct, Has it helped you at all?
No cutting class today, people. Although as a subcategory, I’ll take “Amusing Hall-Pass Haikus That Get Me Out Of This Whack-Ass Topic.” But you need at least 5 to be excused.
I’m sure you’ve all seen the following, as they made the email circuit a few years ago, but here’s some real-life test answers penned by actual students, and I only wish I’d had the presence of mind to do some shit like this. Bantha fodder for inspiration (and I hope the quality is clear enough. If you can’t read ‘em, go here for these plus more hilarious essays and stuff):
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