From slashfilm, Last we heard about a 3-D version of the Star Wars saga, George Lucas mentioned back in August 2008 that he had put LucasFilm to work on developing the technology to make it happen. At that point, he said that the technology worked great, but it wasn’t very practical. Now we have word that Lucas was wowed by Avatar’s 3-D tech, and that it may be just the push LucasFilm needed to adapt Star Wars.
This doesn’t mean that LucasFilm will lift Avatar’s tech directly, but they’ll likely get a few ideas for making their own tech more usable from James Cameron and crew’s many years of effort. (I’m sure this will all go down well with the Avatar haters.)
It was inevitable that Lucas would finally figure out a simple method to convert his cash cow franchise to 3-D. I had always figured that we’d see 3-D Star Wars sometime this next decade, and this news solidifies that timeline even further.
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