From moviesonline, Indiana Jones 5 has been talked about a few times since Indie 4 hit theaters and the early talk was that Shia Labeouf who played his son in Indiana Jones 4 would be taking over the franchise. This is a REALLY bad idea and an attempt to draw in a younger audience but for me only one guy can be indie... regardless of how old Harrison Ford is getting. In an interview with MTV Harrison Ford revealed that he is not signed on but not against starring in the new film which George Lucas is working on;
"I don't think I'll do it in a wheelchair," ..... "George [Lucas] is working on an idea, and if it comes to a fruitful stage, all of us are very interested in making another."
"I think it would be interesting to advance the understanding of the character, as we always have had that ambition throughout the series," Ford said of what he needs to see in an "Indy 5" script before he's willing to step on the gas like Short Round in a Shanghai taxi cab. "I think it would be interesting to deepen the relationship between he and his son [Mutt, played by Shia LaBeouf] and play on that relationship. ... It's full of opportunity. The series is full of opportunity."