i can see clearly now

i can see clearly now
like it? click it!
.... yeah, i wish i could see clearly....

i shot this in the summer and didn't post... obviously it's not a great picture of anything very interesting but i like how the light shines through and the cool white balance saves it.

i'm not on flickr a whole lot these days even though i do pop in to see wonderful work and be inspired. the work's piling on and i'm starting to get a bit more serious about my photography projects.

maybe. it's always maybe with me.

so far, i'm taking a course in photoshop. these are great to do, especially if you've already fiddled a bit with the software -- it patches up gaps in knowledge and opens up new ways of doing things. the thing is, like autocad, photoshop is so powerful that there are many ways to achieve similar effects -- it's always interesting to see how someone else processes their work.

another thing that was fun was being asked by Digital SLR Photography magazine in the UK about publishing some of my shots and then writing a DIY article for explaining how to do a shot very similar to my lightfall... it's for one of the upcoming issues -- maybe even the next one published -- not sure. i show my setup and discuss camera settings and a bit of my post-processing. i've seen the spread and it looks pretty good! and i've actually got a second DIY due -- hope to finish it up this weekend.


lightfall:  292/365

last week i spoke to an old friend about possibly doing an exhibit and a new friend about using my photographs through his agency and maybe a book or calendars. i don't know how much of this will pan out, but, after decades of doing fun stuff but ultimately feeling somewhat weary of it, it's good to have fresh goals.