I planned on writing a longer and what I hoped would be a funnier post, but I unfortunately pulled a muscle in my neck, which has left me bed ridden for the past couple of days. I didn’t want to flake out on another haiku Wednesday, so I’m instead giving you the condensed picture packed version.
I’m optimistic that hair is a topic brimming with haiku potential. Most of us have had bad haircuts, and if not we’ve certainly seen them. Though, hair is not just on the head. Think about the man at the beach with a back like a bear, or the woman behind the counter of the gas station just shy of a full-grown beard.
The mullet, the only hair do that has the best of both worlds. I’ve included extra images, since it is my personal favorite.

Kid mullet

Very hairy

Yeah, yeah, I know I haven’t covered all the places where hair grows, but since this is a family blog, you’ll all have to use your imaginations.