mars and the brightest full moon 2010 observe athens

edit: wooohoooo! this is on the flickr blog!

i arrived home tenthirtyish and looked up at the moon -- i saw a reddish-orange star next to it and wondered if mars was so close to the moon, as i'd been aware that the red planet is exceptionally close to the earth these days.

the moon and mars over athens
click any image
neil degrasse tyson's tweet clinched it -- the moon and mars were, indeed, close, and both exactly opposite the sun, so very, very full. i got out my little white, set the tripod on the balcony, connected the camera to the computer, launched EOS utility and shot a few.

mars and the moon observe athens - long exposure
a long exposure
i tried a long exposure and got quite a cool effect and a lovely halo on the moving clouds. fast shutter speeds intensified the clouds' haunting shapes and framed the moon nicely.

i had to take two separate exposures for this shot as the full moon is an unusually bright object -- so the slow image got the clouds and mars, the fast one, the face of our satellite.

mars and the moon observe athens - more clouds
more clouds
later, the sky cleared up and i got a minimalist image of the pair.

mars and the moon observe athens - clear skies
the sky cleared up just before dawn
i stayed up till moonset and slept all morning today.

btw, have you seen the xkcd webcomic about rover? so sad... rover did a very good job. i hope we recover it someday.