From slashfilm, Last week it was reported that (500) Days of Summer helmer Marc Webb was at the top of the list of candidates to helm a Spider-Man reboot. Vulture now has breaking word that Webb is signed on to direct, not only the Spider-Man reboot, but a new Spider-Man trilogy. That’s right, three movies!
The reboot allows Sony to clean house of all the high price-tag cast and crew from the original trilogy. Webb will be paid roughly $10 million for the first film, with reported substantial bonuses built in “if the picture reaches certain box-office milestones.” Sam Raimi was paid $10 million for the original Spider-Man film, but that was nearly ten years ago. The Evil Dead director’s agreement included a percentage of the film’s grosses (nearly 25 percent when combined with star Tobey Maguire on the last sequel).
But most of all, Webb offers a chance to connect with the new/next generation. Lets just hope that Taylor Lautner doesn’t play Peter Parker. If Webb has a choice in casting, I’m sure we’ll be fine (I especially liked all of his choices in 500 Days of Summer.) Sony has been chasing after Webb for a while now. Webb has said that he is a big fan of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics.
The music video turned feature director was almost hired by Sony for the big screen adaptation of Michael Lewis’s Moneyball after Steven Soderbergh departed the project and Capote helmer Bennett Miller was hired.