Boom Boom Satellites landing in Hollywood at The Troubadour!!!!!

For over 12 years, I have been a huge supporter of Boom Boom Satellites! Jack Dangers (Meat Beat Manifesto) was the first to recommend the music to me while we were traveling with Perry Farrell's Enit Festival. The Japanese fellows combine huge bashing beats with dirty bass guitars, cutting guitars meshed with synths that Trent Reznor and any NIN fans desire, fusing vocal intensities reminiscent of Filter's early work.

I am absolutely excited to see the live band perform next Monday, the 25th, at The Troubadour! After 7 albums, there are so many amazing songs they can perform!

Hard to believe it, but a major label, Sony, is who releases their music.
Sounds like: NIN, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Meat Beat Manifesto, Consolidated, Garbage, Miles Davis, Evil Nine, Future Sound Of London, Filter, Zeitmahl