So this guy makes a deal with another guy to let him eat him starting with his penis. The deal is he cuts the penis off first, cooks it and they share it. After that he can kill him and eat the rest. Sounds pretty sick, huh. Now how about if I tell you that part is actually true. This film is based on the warped love affair and concentual cannibalism between Armin Meiwes and his victim Bernd Juergen Brandes. The names were changed for the film. The premise of the film focuses on graduate student Katie Armstrong as she studies the morbid case for her thesis. As she delves deeper into the story she finds herself more involved and mentally distraught by the story of these men.

First of all let me say fuck Afterdark Horrorfest, Fangoria Frightfest is where it's at! I have tackled a few of these films and they all deliver the goods. No four or five star flicks yet but the ones I've seen are pretty solid and have some balls. Grimm Love certainly delivers those balls and a sauteed penis along with them. The idea of a student researching this works so much better than if they had just told the story of the men directly. We go along for the emotional ride with Katie as she uncovers each disturbing detail. I actually felt nauseous by the end of the film. What a world my friends, what a world.