The House Where Evil Dwells

My house is crawling with blue people!

In ancient Japan a Samurai comes home and finds his wife sleeping with his best friend. He beheads his buddy, slays his wife then commits hari kari. Flash forward to 1982 where an American business man and his family move into the very same house where this double murder/suicide occurred. Right from the beginning the ghosts show up and start fucking with them. They jump into their bodies causing them to say and do things out of their nature. When the possessed wife starts making advances toward her husbands business associate/best friend it becomes apparent that the spirits intend on reliving the past through these people. They seek the help of a monk who sounds a bit like a Japanese Elmer Fudd to try and rid the house of the evil spirits before it's too late.

Campbell's tomato and blue head soup...mmm...mmm, good

My sympathies go out to the daughter of this couple. Seems like she was just in the way and the spirits target her to scare her off. First she has to deal with a floating blue head in her soup. When she refuses to eat the soup her possessed dickhead of a father attempts to force it down her throat.


Then one night when her parents are out she is left with a babysitter. Giant crabs that yell out like angry Japanese men come in the house and attack her. The damn babysitter runs off and leaves the little girl to fend for herself. Okay, I didn't feel all that bad cause I was too busy laughing. You can see that scene below.

The wife is a hysterical whiny bitch. The acting atrocious but the damn crabs make this all worth while. Really, it's all about the crabs.