A brother and sister driving home from college trade snipes and look hot and complain about their mom. But then they're chased down by a huge, rusty truck. They later spot the truck and its driver, who spots them while he tosses what could only be bodies wrapped in sheets down a pipe. Stupidly, these two decide to investigate the pipe.
There really must have been a better way to get them to that point in the story, some device that would have made it imperative that they go into this pipe to check things out. It was just the most unbelievable choice. But it was somewhat inconsequential in the grand scheme of the whole movie, which just started look like it was being improvised from the pipe forward. The villain is a murderer in a weird truck but then not really. He's a psychopathic serial killer. Oh, wait, no, he's a demon who hunts every 23 years...or maybe just all the time. Wait, here's a psychic who can tell us all about it, and apparently she's got bad news for Darius ("Darry") played by Justin Long. Or maybe the news is for his sister.
Anyway, the news is going to totally freak us the hell out at the end, in that , "OMG, the psychic totally called it!" kinda way. But then the news really isn't that freaky and I think all of us called it probably before the psychic, who turns out just to have been a way of adding some narrative to tell us what the fuck is going on. Sort of.
Three stars, though, because we watched this on the heels of something that was rough looking, and this at least has the slickness of a studio picture going for it.