To truly understand the complexity of Henry, you first have to know what made the monster. This film is based on the real life serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. The man had an abomination of a mother, whose vile treatment turned her boy into a soulless killer. Henry was smart, killing each victim in a different method and never using the same gun twice. He lived with Otiss Toole and his sister Becky. He brings Otis along on his ventures teaching him the rules of the trade. We get to tag along with them.

Henry is one of the most disturbing films. I saw this years ago and I'm happy to report that it packs just as much punch today. Michael Rooker does a phenomenal job as Henry. He's soft spoken and even kind, at least when it comes to Becky anyway. What makes this a stand out film is the realism of it. Henry and Otis do normal everyday things. They go to the store, they chat over dinner, watch tv and like to have fun. Henry's instruction time with Otis is as smooth as a father trying to teach his son how to fix the car. This alone makes this film scary, Henry is just so normal. I can thoroughly see why victims fall prey to these sociopaths. Christ, I would have trusted him. The victims have no warning of what's to come. Even when Otis gets riled up Henry calms him down and appears to be the rational one. Then bang! This is the kind of film everyone should watch, just to be aware that serial killers don't lurk about like Jason or invade dreams like Freddy. The guy next door could have a dozen bodies buried in his basement as he smiles and waves to you each morning. Scary thought? Yes it is.