(2009) ****
Ok so I really liked this movie. It might be that I'm a bit of a biddy, and truly scared of actual scary movies (Octo and Trevor can attest to this as they are 2 out of the 3 people who could get me to watch any scary or horror flicks during the past decade or so) but this flick really worked for me. I had heard from a few people that it was actually scary, which is absolutely not true. But because I'd heard it was scary, I was fearfully awaiting the scary and subsequently probably got a lot more out of this film then people who are used to good zombie flicks. I also seriously enjoyed the opening credits and splattery zombieliciousness.
"...if the girls in your neighborhood are now f*cked up little monsters, stop driving carpool..."
Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), our narrator and leading loner, has survived months of Zombieland by following his hard and fast zombie rules (e.g. #1 Cardio, #31 Check the back seat, #17 Don't be a hero) and by being a loner. However, he's gotten a little lonely and starts heading back to Ohio to see if his parents have also survived. On the road, he's faces down the barrel of a gun to hitch a ride with Tallahasse (Woody Harrelson) since, you know, they are both headed east (ahem, since Columbus is lonely). After some trust issue encrusted craziness they end up traveling with 2 young sisters Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) through hollywood, Bill Murray's mansion, and to an amusement park called Pacific Playland, fighting zombies and giving the audience laughs along the way. Woody absolutely made this film for me! He's hilarious as a zombie beating nothing to lose cowboy who is on one hell of a major quest to find a twinkie. The two sisters Pacific Playland ploy unfortunately distracted me throughout the film as it is inconsistent with their street smart characters and just friggin stupid. In case of zombies, please do not go to a deserted amusement park at night and turn on all the lights and music. If you do, you will just alert all geographically relevant zombies that there is a nice stupid food source running around the park since zombies are too damn hungry to want to ride roller coasters.

Clowns are scary. Zombie clowns? Even scarier