business as usual

business as usual

i took a taxi to the center of athens last week for some errands, and the route took us through exarchia. at zoodochou pigis street, i glanced through my right window to see layers upon layers of posters -- a few for art and events, but most politically themed, vying for someone's -- anyone's -- attention.

exarchia is often a center of sorts for riots in athens, and although i'm very familiar with it from my days of attending the polytechnio, lately it looks more crowded, darker and graffiti-ed than i'm used to...

still, i'd rather wander around here -- and never mind people who say it's not safe [i say, bull] -- than visit the finest neighborhoods of our esteemed leaders.

that stretch of posters, though not particularly unusual for the area, somehow hit me with a force of thousands of people who feel driven to do something, but are still putting up with the frivolous, greedy nonsense of politicians who produce nothing, discover nothing, yet continue to play bickering games, avoiding justice for scandals, having amassed fortunes at the expense of this country's people.

i finished up with my business and doubled back on foot through the area, until i found this particular spot and shot a few. really, it looks very indifferent. i tried processing it in various ways but finally opted for this version -- selective color on the posters themselves, and monochrome for the facing apathy.

©2010 helen sotiriadis