The Ghost and Mr. Chicken

(1966) ****

Luther Heggs just wants to be a reporter, have the girl of his dreams fall in love with him and be respected by his fellow citizens. Is that too much to ask? When you're actually Don Knotts yes, yes it is. Luther is the town underdog, a real bumblenut. His editor doesn't trust him with anything, his coworkers poke fun at him and the girl barely notices him. Life pretty much sucks. So when his editor asks him to spend the night in the notorious Simmons mansion he just can't refuse. It's the 20th anniversary of the murder-suicide that took place at the mansion, throughout the night Luther encounters many ghostly happenings. He writes up a winning article describing his night in the mansion and becomes the toast of the town. That is until a fellow reporter calls him out as a fraud. The whole town turns against him and he must prove to them that what he experienced is real to save his reputation.

Don't mock me, I know what I did and I'm standing by my decision. Yes, I watched a daffy Don Knotts movie in Horrorthon. I immediately put this baby in my queue last year right after a review for Ghost Busters showed up. For an entire year I have been holding off waiting for the appropriate moment to spring this on you. So, here it is. I watched it and I loved it. Every damn goofy ass minute of it right down to the cheesy background music and Don Knotts' bulging eyeballs. I confess, I would much rather have watched The Incredible Mr. Limpett but it just didn't fit into Horrorthon. I have it queued for November. So judge me if you must, I have no regrets.