
(2006) ****

When you innocently pop a movie into the dvd player the first scene sets the mood for the rest of the film. It's true, first impressions are very important. When that scene involves a man getting quite intimate with a candle, resulting in an orgasm much resembling a blow torch...Let's just say my curiosity was piqued. Taxidermia is a Hungarian film that expands over a period of years following 3 generations of men. The first being a WWII army officer, his son a professional eater whose son is an obsessive taxidermist. Along this ride I felt amused, disgusted, nauseous, disturbed and intrigued. I witnessed pig fucking, projectile vomiting, masturbation, grotesque obesity and cats feeding on guts. Yet up until the final 20 minutes of the film I was still unsure if it would technically be considered a horror film. That final bit left me with no fucking doubt in my mind, horror it is. Creepy, nasty, gut wrenching horror!

This film is seriously up there in most disturbing. I honestly did not know what to expect and what I got I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams. I dare not give away any more to those of you who may be willing to venture in. Be prepared to be grossed out. I have never seen a film that took such a drastic turn from almost lighthearted black comedy to holy shit! I wouldn't recommend watching this while eating dinner.